CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
At the WCAF show I took a look at both CMCs & Fletcher's MatPro 120/150. The CMCs are quite pricey for a small one-man shop like mine, although I know that others on this forum have gone ahead and gotton one.
I'd be interested in comments by any out there that have gone the MatPro route, or equivalent.
I can see where it would be 5 to 8 times faster than cutting mats manually, so am curious how you folks like them? Do they really save you that much time?
Appreciate any comments, Thanks
I'd be interested in comments by any out there that have gone the MatPro route, or equivalent.
I can see where it would be 5 to 8 times faster than cutting mats manually, so am curious how you folks like them? Do they really save you that much time?
Appreciate any comments, Thanks