PMIA junk mail


PFG, Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Oct 13, 1999
Oak Park, MI
minoxy llc
I received 2 emails in my spam folder this morning. They were bounced hijacked emails.

Apparently someone has hacked the PMIA site again.
I get one or two DAEMON type messages a week which appear to be initiated from my web site. I cannot tell from this bounced mail what the text of the message is, though. I doubt that it is anything I would like to have associated with my store’s name.

My ISP claims that there is nothing that I or they can do to stop this.

What is PMIA? I googled it and came up with Pets Missing in Action or Performance Management Institute of Australia.
Jerome, do you mean PMAI (Photo Marketing Association International), which is the parent of our PPFA?

If so, then maybe it's just you -- I haven't received anything like that from them.
Originally posted by JFeig:
I received 2 emails in my spam folder this morning. They were bounced hijacked emails.
Apparently someone has hacked the PMIA site again.
They don't need to hack the website, If you are a member or registered on a website,spammers will pick up your email address when trawling.
Get them all the time here in the UK along with mortgage offers, cheap online meds, bank loans etc. from the US.
I take great delight in filling in their silly forms with stupid information and sending them back
Two emails from the PMAI today both the same......yes that one as in the same email address.......I never gave an email address to the PMAI......for sure the PPFA would have my email address but not the PMAI......nor would I want them to have it.

I wonder whay two mails to the same email address....are they spamming on the double......and whay are the the PMAI using my email address.....
