PMA/PPFA Orlando Show - are you going?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
May 30, 2005
historic Charleston, SC
It's looking like I may be able to work out going to this show. It would be my first show.

Is it worth the time, money, effort to attend? I think the $125 fee for all classes/workshops you can attend could be a tremendous value.

Do you have to bring your business license to buy products? What is the 'dress code'?

Please share your experiences with this venue. (I'm always quite nervous before I do something for the first time - don't want to mess up!) Thanks.
My experience last year was that there were not many framing suppliers on the trade show floor - but the range of education was great. Everything from reverse glass mats to marketing. I also enjoyed meeting framers from all over at the luncheons and in classes. I will be going again this year.

Even though there aren't many framing vendors there, you can still see and learn quite a bit from the photo folks, and printer folks who are. You might also find a new line of photo frames or albums appropriate for your business. The tour that's available is well worthwhile.

If you are expecting a trade show where there will be equipment specials and promotional moulding prices this might not be your best bet, but if you are looking for an opportunity for education this one is excellent.
Originally posted by deaconsbench:
Do you have to bring your business license to buy products? What is the 'dress code'?
You will probably be prequalified by the show registration process. Bring lots of business cards, and a copy of you state resale certificate.

My understanding is that the framing side of the show is growing, but that the education is already there (a great value).

I'm planning on going, just don't know when since it'll be a daytrip.

Dress code? Nah. Most folk just wear whatever they would wear to work. Remember you will be putting on some serious mileage. I pack spare socks and lots of Ibuprophen.
This show is a tremendous undertaking-the largest show any of us will see. Meghan is correct in that t eofferings for framing products is not the focus. But, the opportunity to meet peers is outstanding. There is more face to face time here than any other show. I spent some real quality time with Meghan at last year's shows

The classes just outside our trade are th ereal crown jewels for us. These PhotoMarketers have many of the same obstacles we have and they share like there is no tomorrow. It is great to hear some fresh perspectives

You will see some great minds that all have a common goal. Why, last year my wife and I got to sit in on a presentation with the gentleman that put Nike on the map and re-invented Starbucks. A couple of others that shared an opinion or two were
people like the Sales Mgr of Kodak and a VP of Canon

Those opportunities are everywhere, but if you wish to stay in the PPFA part of the show, there is plenty of interaction. For anyone that hasn't experienced Bill McCurry at one of his Idea Exchange luncheons, that alone is worth the trip

This show is all about education, exchanges and networking

Definitely worth the trip

Plus, this is your Trade Association-You get out of it what you put into it
If this is your first PMA/PPFA show, be prepared to be overwhelmed. A "regular" Picture Framing Trade Show could fit into the Kodak Booth! This show is huge, and while each year, there is more direct relevance (on the trade show floor) for framers, this is not the WCAF Show or a Decor Expo from a vendor/exhibiting standpoint.

I lead a "trade show tour" each day and on all days besides the first day of the show, it is BEFORE the show opens so you really get to see a lot. I try to find things that framers may find interesting and/or would make your walking the show when it opens of real value.

The education is top notch, and PPFA is YOUR trade association. The officers will all be there and the framers who attend are really wonderful to be with socially (which is another big reason to go to trade shows) and, many of them are winners in the framing competition so they are REALLY talented.

Best of all, the winners from the framing competition are all on display which can either make you wonder why you are even trying to be a framer (because they look like they were never touched by human hands...yes they are that good) or make you really proud to be amongst a group of people this talented. And, you can get some really good ideas. One idea/soultion to a problem can make the whole trip worthwhile.

If you have never met/taken clases from Bill McCurry, or attended some of the "free lunches" or experienced PMA/PPFA hospitality, it is worth just seing how a trade show should really be done.

And, two years ago, the winner of the $10,000.00 Yes, ten thousand dollars - CASH money drawing at the conclusion of the show was a picture framer!

Dress is officially "dress casual."
In looking for the information on this online... I found it to be somewhat confusing as to what is really being offered as far as Picture Framing education/business seminars? Am I at the right Site? PPFA Orlando Feb 25-Mar1 2006?

Seemed more of the PMA direction.

Enlightenment needed!


Click on the "invatation to attend" link. Download the PDF file for the brochure, look at everything but follow the "purple PPFA tabs" and you will find all of the PPFA classes. Everything PPFA related has a Purple Header. BUT you are not limited to just the PPFA stuff, there is a whole wealth of info.
This is the only place you can get my two-day color and design classes. It 's broken into 4 separate classes, and each could be taken separately, but it would be more beneficial if you can do all four. I have put them on power point, so I can teach more because I have the ability to "show and tell".

The shadow box class I am doing is with Paul Storch, an object conservator who posts a lot on HH and is very knowledgeable I went to a couple of the PMA lunches with speakers last yearand they are truly outstanding. They give a perspective that is broader than just PPFA. Business is business and framing is definitely becoming more and more a business and not just a fun way to make a little money.

Rob's tours are very informational and worth taking. He is enthusiastic and knows what he's talking about so you will see all kinds of things you haven't seen before or even thought about. .

There is lots of time to just visit with people. There is an area on the way to classes where you will find big comfortable seats and people to talk to and some of those sessions are as good as classes.

Hugh's classes on hinging or anything to do with preservation framing are excellent. Lots of good information and he's open to questions.

In the industry there are really three excellent shows every framer should go to for different reasons, because each is very different from the other and each is equally valuable.
Sept, DECOR-Atlanta because everything and everybody related to framing is there.
Jan-PFM-Las Vegas, because the education there is different and the amount of framers you will see in classes is huge. The breakfast panel at the end of the show is worth going to all by itself because it is so informational about the industry as a whole.
Feb- PMA-PPFA Orlando and alternate two years Las Vegas because it is the framing industry trade association and it is truly like a big convention with lots of framer interaction, business as a whole to relate to and excellent education as well as certification.

Whew, that was my dissertation for the day!
If you have never taken a class by Nona you are missing theatre at it's finest. She blends much fun with a ton of information. I pop in just to watch her teach; it's that much fun

Another highlight (in my mind, anyway) is a Seminar where Wiliam Parker and I go head-to-head (in a very fun and friendly way) and give our opinion on the direction of the industry and how William and I tackle it from two totally different points of view. This ain't no McLaughlin Group deal, either. We tell it like it is and have great fun in a very respectful way (even if he is crazy as a loon!)

And, how about Rob and I both recommending Bill McCurry within minutes of each other. If that isn't a strong recommendation....
Hey Patti-It's scheduled for Monday at 12:30. No idea which room, but mention my name and I'll make sure you get a good seat. I told th epowers to be that this would be a great concept for one of the lunch General Sessions, but that will be starring Bill McCurry (not a bad warm up act, eh?)

They are supposed to have a promo in FMO where William and I "square off" with dueling emails.

In all seriousness, we both enjoy setting some time where we can visit and "pontificate" about the state of the industry. It just goes to show two people can look at the exact same Research and get differing models

There aren't many people I enjoy the "give and take" more than my good friend. I always look forward to "playing up" to his level and I truly think he wins everytime

But, when you are No. 2, you just have to try harder

PS Patti-I got the email from Kathy today and do I have a plan for you guys. If not in Vegas, then Orlando, I'll give you the broad strokes
So Bob, are you saying that it's worth getting close to the mouse for a little frame faluza? :D

There are other conciderations that may prevent my being any place else....

Nona's class, Rob's walk, a knock-down drag out between two giants.. and a meeting with Nikon [which is minor].
How about taping it so others who can't come can see it? I would love to be the there...please, someone, tape it!! I would even pay......
Hi Nona-We are negotiating th edistribution rights with Dreamworks as we type (talk about dreamin')

Actually, I am pretty certain that you can get a replay by offering to buy an adult beverage for either William or myself

The only problem is trying to find the "off" switch

Seriously, though, there ought to be advantages to those that actually take the time and energy to first, actually be a member of PPFA and second, show up to these events.

I'm not suggesting that what you hear from me will be world class wisdom, but the only reason I'm doing it is to get a better seat to listen to William.

Shiela indicated that she is going to do a feature in FMO, but, doggone it, people like William put a lot of extra work into PPFA (and he is not alone). This ought to be one of the exclusive benefits of membership

It really is only one of many reasons that you ought to be a member and then participate
I can't go either, but, like Nona, would gladly pay for tapes, audio even, on any part of this event. I will be joining PPFA (again, last time was 1990, I think!). Are there any tapes, etc. available from any other classes? I'm a sponge!
Hi Val-And I mean this in the nicest way possible, but there are many sponges out there that absorb and take and don't give back. Now, let's be honest, there are only so many people like Nona and Jim Miller and William that give tirelessly

So, how about not "I will be joining", but "I called today and did join"?

It is such a small price to pay on an individual basis, yet represents only a fraction of what it takes to put on an event such as this.

If this sounds like a membership drive pitch, it is

Val, you sound exactly like the kind of person we need. And we need more than just your dues, we need your participation

Let me share a quick thought and tip of the hat to the Colorado Chapter that was recently instituted.

With a litle effort and energy, people like Patti and Kathy (and others) organized that chapter so that during their first year they had some great education. They had Jim Miller and they had Marc Bluestone and some loud mouth from Az (well 2 out of three ain't bad). And, this was all in their own backyard

It rests squarely on th eshoulders of those that aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves and get 'er done

So, when can we count on your check?
Originally posted by Bob Carter:
PS Patti-I got the email from Kathy today and do I have a plan for you guys. If not in Vegas, then Orlando, I'll give you the broad strokes
Yeah Patti, I told you I was going to pick some brains......I went straight to the top!

Originally posted by Bob Carter:

Let me share a quick thought and tip of the hat to the Colorado Chapter that was recently instituted.

With a litle effort and energy, people like Patti and Kathy (and others) organized that chapter so that during their first year they had some great education. They had Jim Miller and they had Marc Bluestone and some loud mouth from Az (well 2 out of three ain't bad). And, this was all in their own backyard

It rests squarely on th eshoulders of those that aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves and get 'er done
Bob is exactly right, you have to be involved. We had an incredible first year. If you have a local chapter get involved. We have a great board but we are a couple people down and we need more involvement here. We had lots of interest and great attendance this past year so we know people are happy to have the chapter but so far not much more than a trickle of interest in helping out. It comes down to the general members to join in and keep the momentum. The local chapters can only benefit you and your business, it already has mine, The PPFA is only as good as the general members make it. So, get involved now!
looking on the "maps" there are 2 convention centers (dis-remember if designations are n/s or e/w facilities). does anyone remember which one the 'do' is in ???? I couldnt find any reference to which piece of the convention center ..could only find "convention center"
Bill, it's the West Building.

I'm scheduled for 11 classes, 4 luncheons, 1 night school dinner, Rob's tour.

Got my flight from - on Delta - and now I hear the pilots are planning to go on strike March 1, my return flight date. Oops.

Got my hotel room from

Will be using the I-RIDE transportation system.

I'm really looking forward to this event!
