pliers with springs


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jul 22, 2000
indianapolis,in usa
hey all,
i am looking for pliers (specifically needle nosed and wire cutters) that have a spring that keeps the pliers open , therefore putting less stress on the hands. i had a pair but the spring is broken.
mike spilbeler
zionsville, in.
Mike - I have never seen pliers with springs but if you find them be sure to let us know - they sound very, ahem, HANDY!

Have you tried any of those specialty tool places - like Woodworker supply or, drat - I can't think of any other names right now - I try to avoid those catalogs because they are far too inviting to a tool nut like myself!
Try the web. I just did a quick search for spring-loaded pliers and found several on one site. I bought my set pliers, cutter, needle nose, etc. at the local hardward store. They are wonderful.
United has them. #5216, #5217, #5218. Really, go to any hardware store. Lowe's, Home Depot, True Value, ANY.
You might also check Sears - I use their "Craftsman" brand - so if it breaks, just return it for a free replacement.
Sears has them, Lowe's should have them, and many hobby and craft shops carry them. They are used for jewelry and crafts and are generally smaller than your mechanic's pliers.

My best pair of side cutter pliers (diags.) are used by model railroaders to cut model train track. They have a set of precise jaws and will cut hanging wire, econospace and most anything else used in a frame shop.

(They don't work well to cut miters on 3" mouldings though.)

We have a Craftsman model 45173 that you casn get at Sears