Plexi Background Neiman's Imagine Part 2

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1. Cutting the paper covering on a sheet of 1/8-inch plexiglass creates the notes and music sheet. The lines on the music sheet are 1/16 inch thick. I marked out the lines with a fine ballpoint pen, 1/16 then 7/16 space. The notes came from a music sheet that John Lennon wrote; however, I picked the notes for each part of the plexi for shape, size and fit. To trace the notes on to the plexi paper I created a small stencil from 4-ply rag board. As you can see from figure 2, the shape of the note is oval. When laying out the notes remember you need to use a mirror image of what you want. To get the correct size note I took the stencil and traced around it with a pen and measured it. I then measure the trace, sanded the stencil and repeated the procedure until the trace would intersect the center of each line. Figure 1, the picture above, shows the Note blank I used and the note flag stencil. The note flag stencil was cut from a scrap of 2 ply foil matting.

Figure 2

When you cut your traces try not to cut where you will be removing the paper. For example; figure 1 you would not continue cutting the note into the line area.

As you cut remove the paper from the notes and lines to expose the plexi as shown in figure 1.

2. When done with the cutting and paper removal spray the exposed plexi with Black Krylon spray paint. I normally spray a light coat followed by 3 - 6 additional coats about 30 minutes apart. Let the final coat dry overnight. Tip: Putting too much paint on may cause problems removing the paper later.


3. Attach two pieces of scrap foamcore to the center of the painted side of plexiglass (see figure 3). This is to keep the painted notes from getting scratched when you turn the plexi over. Figure 3


4. Now turn the plexi over and place one of the overlays on top. Use any method you want to center each overlay perfectly and mark where the standoff will be located, also mark the orientation of the overlay on the plexi.



5. Now draw lines to show where the overlay will be placed on the plexi. Drill 1/8 holes 6 to 8 inches apart in the center where the standoff will be located. I drill a small 1/16 hole first to reduce the break out on the backside.


6. Turn the plexi over and carefully remove the paper exposing the notes.



7. Cut a piece of 4-ply rag the same size as the plexi. Drymount a piece of linin on top as shown here.


8. Place the plexi, painted side down on top of the linen covered board and remove the top paper cover from the plexi.


9. Line up the linen board and the plexi perfect and hammer a small nail through each hole. This is to mark where the screws go later.


This message is Copyright 1999 by William McKay DBA The Picture Framers Grumble

[This message has been edited by framer (edited 02-14-99).]