Plein Air Moulding


True Grumbler
Apr 5, 2005
Northern Baltimore County - horse country
I frame for artist. Apparenly, per the artists, a 'hot' moulding that is currently being used by artists is Plein Air Moulding. The below link illustrates what is looks like:
I have contacted this supplier and his prices are too high for my artists ($17/ft - wholsale for 250 ft min). I have tried to get my local supplier to make it - they are considering it BUT, in the meantime, I am looking for Plan B.
Any suggestions on where to find this moulding?
Thanks in advance
Call Omega moulding and ask for their catalog of 'gallery frames.'
I have ordered many of these and they are very nice. So is the pricing.
I hope you have your artist trained to paint in standard sizes.

edie the theseAREhotnow goddess
Thanks so much, I will call them. And yes, most do paint is standard sizes. BUT.. that is to my disadvantage because then they can easily go to freaking Michael's and buy cheap crappy stuff (with their handy dandy %40 off any item coupon) and do it themselves!
See, we all have our 'wish they did not exist lists'!
Thanks again
And how are you to compete with the prices on the website. It appears that these are the prices the artist will pay if they order direct.

Apparently they can order direct.
Decor has some ready mades of this style.
Originally posted by Jody:
The below link illustrates what is looks like:
I have contacted this supplier and his prices are too high for my artists ($17/ft - wholsale for 250 ft min).
I don't understand. This site seems to sell closed corner frames, priced by the frame not by the foot. I don't see any mention of minimums in the catalog.
And how are you to compete with the prices on the website. It appears that these are the prices the artist will pay if they order direct.

Apparently they can order direct.
I really can not and most artist will order directly. And, I actualy suggest they do. HOWEVER, since artists are high repeat, you never know when they are going to have a show and need help (read: the eleventh hour). The 'newbie artist' could use me since they typically do not have the equipment, the higher end ones use me because they either can earn more by using the framing time to paint, or realize that a painting will sell faster if it is in a nice frame set up (they may not make more because of the framing expense - but money in their pocket is a good thing). The passion and skill set that makes them artist works for me - let's face it framing can be frustrating and time consuming especially if you are just learning. It is a low paying niche! But, I like it and it works for me! :D
Being an artist and a framer I would like to know thw meaning of "Pleinair frames" I have'nt a clue as to what this means to the art community.
Its just a catchy name for a company catering to artists. Plein air is refering to a form of painting of an outdoor landscape, and doing so outdoors.

Usually with a palette in one hand, a brush in the other, and a few people standing behind him/her oohing and aahing.
Epoch Arts has a great Plein Air frame.

All wood, hand carved and hand finished.

Sizes 8x10 through 30x40 gold or silver finish.

Epoch Arts
Irving, TX
Pleinair as puttyboy points out, does refer to the nature of painting the style.

The style and generie is also known as Early California. This is misnomered as Arts & Crafts or Craftsman style; allthough it was very popular during that period, so was the Art Nouveu movement.

The ornimentaion that the Pleinaire company sells in their frames (during the original period 1880-1912+/-) were generally patterns of Mexican adaptations of Mannerist and auralistic frames. Simplified, clean lined and burnish water guild.

If an artist has a problem with a China knockoff at $17/united outside foot, (which is the way closed cornered frames are quoted and sold) then the artist either is new, doesn't respect their own effort or production, or is cheap.

I guess that is what 1/2" OT Blk is for. :D