PLEASE help me. Need advice.


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
I am so disgusted with MSN that I'm thinking about getting Roadrunner. I presume everybody knows what Roadrunner is.
'Round here, Time/Warner gives you RR thru their cable TV. Talked to the lady today, and it's $44.95/mo, same price as Sprint's DSL, which I can't get anyway. DSL is 512Kbps. Roadrunner can operate at 2 MEGA-bps! I get, for my $44.95, a free modem, free installation, free software and 8, count 'em, 8 email addresses.
I have several friends that have RR, and they all operate at better than T1 rate, and that's 1.544 Meg.

Now, does anybody know if IM works on RR? I can't give up my chat-buddies.

I worked for the Fone Co for 30 years, doing high speed stuff, and for 44.95/mo, 2 Meg is SMOKIN', in my book. 'Specially for a home computer.
IM..Instant Messanger? We have RR and we have IM. It does work.

Even with my old Pentium133 I get fast downloads.
Good Luck,

Cable modem internet access, like Roadrunner, can be suffer in performance if there are too many users in your "neigborhood." I think this was a more common problem for early users, but I knew people who found that, at peak access times, the service would grind to a complete halt and they'd resort back to a second, dial-up access account.

It seems that problems like this have been resolved in areas where service has been available for a few years. If that includes Clayton, I'd say go for it. Ask them how you can connect multiple computers for simultaneous internet access so you and Janet can do some tandem surfing.
We have DSL through Bellsouth and love it. Cable modems as Ron said are on a WAN (Wide Area Network) through your Cable provider. Performance with Cable is increasing all the time but I too know of instances where Cable ground to a halt because too many people were on at the same time. Alot of this has been remedied and I know bunches of Cable subscribers that love it. I have nothing against it. I have DSL because I don't have cable TV and they want too D*** much because of it. Cable doesn't rely on distance to a Hub like DSL does. All I know now is that I can download a 20 meg file in 3 minutes...Smokin!
Ron Eggers:
Ask them how you can connect multiple computers for simultaneous internet access so you and Janet can do some tandem surfing .
Our RR tech support doesn't cover multiple computers. But, I use a Lynksys 4-port router to connect both my PC and my notebook to a single cable modem. I can be surfing with my PC while downloading music to my notebook. I can also share files between PC and notebook. The router has built in security features and suuuuuper easy to connect. If you get that far let me know and I'll give you a hand.
