Please check out my website

Hi, Is this the same DPattullo who was into music way back when the Grumble began. You have been busy since then.

Nice web site and work. Good Luck and glad to see you here again.
DP, I only have one problem, I have a 17 " screen and your page only fills about 2/3rds of it. There must be some small glitch that causes this..Yes the G. has changed some. Are you using a CMC or free hand on the fancy mats? JPete
Nice, as a matter of fact, great site, DP!

I did, however, notice the same thing as Jeanette: It 'overfills' my 17" monitor...

and, off-topic, what sort of music are you into?
Feel free to email me, as I have been an aspiring musician since 1959. (notice 'aspiring')

[ 09-28-2003, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: CharlesL ]