Platten cleaner


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
May 27, 2001
Omaha, NE
What is the preferred product and method to use when cleaning the platten of a heat press?

Mike - St. Louis
Hunt/Seal/Bienfang/whatever makes, or at least made, a platen cleaner. I have some somewhere and I think it's a paste. I can't remember if I've ever used it, but my press is only about 20 years old.

Otherwise Unstick/Unseal/whatever will work a lot better than nothing.
Gunk, that stuff mechanics use to clean their hands of grease. It comes plain or with pumice, get the pumice kind. Old clean rag, rub it in and rinse with water and rags. We have been doing it this way for years, works great. If you are VERY careful, use a razor blade to get any stubborn particles off, then more Gunk.

There is a platten cleaner made by Bienfang and sold by UMS (item no. 2792). It is a mild solvent in a thin cream formula that disolves the gombies that have adhered to the platten.
3M makes a great citrus cleaner that works well along with the fine scouring pads they also manfuacture. No matter which method you use, lots of elbow grease is required.

Gunk is pretty much the same thing as that 3M product, just costs a lot less.

John said "If you are VERY careful you could use a blade to remove any larger pieces". Just remember ... if you try the blade trick, any nick that you might make on the platen with the blade will transfer to the surface of any future pieces that you mount, if you are using release paper as your cover sheet rather that release boards.