Plastic Edging on Drymounting


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 28, 1999
Shippensburg, PA 17257 USA
I do a truckload of drymounting for a university every September. It's small posters that the admission counselors take around to high schools on college night. In the past, they said that they get too beat up too quickly and they want to put a plastic edge on them this year.

Does anyone have a company/point of contact that sell the plastic strips you put on posters? I've seen it at trade shows but never picked up any material/cards.

Thanks for the info.
I don't use a product like plastic edging, but my guess it that it may be more costly than the customer thinks.


In quantities like that, it may be cheaper to mount a few hundred extra posters to replace the ones that deteriorate too quickly.

Another option would be to mount them on a board about 1" oversize on all sides, then trim them down as needed to remove damaged edges.
Sorry Jim.
Truckload was a slight exaggeration.
I didn't mean it literally it just seems like a truckload when I'm doing it. I'm also guessing that it will be more than they want to spend.

Thanks Galley One - I give them a call.

Appreciate any other suggestions.
I actually had some stuff like that. I probably STILL have stuff like that.

The trick is to cut it. Saw, choppers, those little hand-held miter cutters all smooshed it and made lousy corners.

I gave up. But not without a fight.
Gallery One is right, go with ProEdge. I've seen their system and it's really good!
If you don't want to buy the ProEdge system ask who in your area uses it and strike a deal with them.
Talked to ProEdge today and they're sending samples out. Sounds exactly like what I'm looking for. Thanks again.