It's my understanding that if you change the art work in anyway other than the artist original intent, you have infringed upon their copyright. I get letters at times stating that to take a print and make it into a canvas reprodution would put you in violation of their copyright. This may or may not include framing calendar prints without the artist or publishers approval. Very similar to taking a vendors print catalog and framing up the small prints, you have purchased the catalog, now are you intitled to frame any of the small prints in the catalog, no copies, just the small prints?........
Many artist sell the rights to their prints for calendars, some do not care if you frame and sell them, many calendars are made just for the fact that you may take a favorite months print and have it framed, it helps sell the calendars.
Here in Alabama, we have a local artist, nationally know for his sport prints, and the last few years he has published and sold calendars with some of his most popular prints, and has sold out each year. Many had a 13th bonus print, all suitable for framing. It has, until this year created a huge cottage industry of framed sport prints at very reasonable prices, this year he did 12 water color prints of famous games, but he let a letter at the top swoop down onto the print, ruining all prints for framing purposes. The dealer cost was 12.50 retailing for 25. I just got a letter from him offering a special as low as 3.25 ea in quantity, for the calendar. So sometimes it behooves the artist to allow prints to be framed, it can be very profitable for them.
Ck the legal status thru one of the publishers of art, they would probably be able to tell you their rights.
Another local artist painted a Alabama print featuring local landmarks, and included a image of Tiger Woods, he was sued by Tigers legal team, and Tiger lost under the right to freedom of expression. It is my understanding that artist can and do, paint many images of local college teams, along with logos and players and do not have to pay any royalty fees, or get permission to publish their art for distribution, under the freedon of expression quaranteed under the constitution.