Pink Folders


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Maybe it's just me, but is anyone else missing the pink folders that used to tell us which topics had new posts since last log-on?

And sometimes all the bulbs are yellow but the dates are still months ago on the other topics (other than the grumble and warped). The first time I saw all the bulbs lit up, I figured Ron had posted on every forum and I laughed so loud I scared the cats.

I believe what's happened is that you've tossed your cookies. Cookies are those sneaky little files that keep track of what you've been doing on the web. On The Grumble, cookies remember your password so you don't have to rewrite it every time you post. (Can you imagine if I had to do that?) They also remember when you logged on last.

I have a utility that empties the cookie jar (so to speak), the recycle bin, the history files and two checking accounts everytime I reboot. Maybe you've got something like that from that nice man that sold you your computer. Also, if you log on from more than one computer (I use three, depending on where I am) the cookies don't travel well from one to the other. Am I making myself abundatly ambiguous?

If all else fails, a pale red sharpy pen will restore those pink folders easily.

Good luck,

Ron - That'll Be $145 for the consultation - Eggers
Pale red sharpy? Wouldn't that be PINK?

Seriously, I remember seeing something about cookies somewhere, but I click on a lot of things just to see what they are. That's how I found out that Word 97 doesn't recognise the word "website."

I did have to restart the thing one day when I tried to shut it off and it froze. How do I get my cookies back? I love cookies. Toll House, especially. Thanks.

Maybe there SHOULD be a computer basics course on the grumble.
How about changing the computer software bit to computer lessons to computer tips relevant to picture framers.

I always knew I would make a lousy girlscout, I can't find my cookies. I clicked on the delete cookies button, and now I just had to submit my password. Can anyone tell me how to restore the pink folders? How about you, DigitalDiva? If you are going to participate here, you may as well make yourself useful.


The Diva is out for the evening, thankfully, shipped off to a friend's for the night. Her friend has a computer (cable modem, actually) but I made her promise to stay off TG. She's crazy, but generally obedient.

I'll look into the cookie business and get back to you.

Great idea, Dermot. I need all the help I can get. My son was in kindergarten before he figured out that the other kid's mothers actually baked the cookie dough. At our house we just mixed it up and stuck a spoon in the bowl. Fortunately for me, Ben and Jerry have taken this concept nation-wide. Kit

I told you I'd look into the cookie business and get back to you. I didn't know it would take three weeks.

Since you posted this question, I developed a similar problem. My cookies, and the forum notice, decided I had last logged on to TG on August 12, 2001. This is strange since I log on ahout six times every day. On August 30th, it still said I had last logged on on August 12, and the pink folders and yellow light bulbs were set accordingly.

Deleting the cookies within the preferences on TG did not fix the problem. Then, a few days ago, I downloaded and installed MS Internet Explorer 6.0. After the 2-hour process I had a browser that looked exactly like my old version 5.5, with one exception: The tools, internet options, general settings gave me the option to delete cookies, which I did. Then I logged onto TG and deleted cookies again (just to be sure I really got 'em!) When I logged off TG and then logged back on, the pink folders and yellow light bulbs were whipped into shape and have been behaving ever since!

As an alternative to installing IE 6.0, you could probably open Windows Explorer, go to the Windows Folder, then the Cookies folder, then delete all the files in this folder. I would assume that would accomplish the same thing. Of course, assumptions have never been my best subject.

Good luck with your cookies!

Ron, I'm reluctant to mess with a winner: my IE5.0 is just dandy. If you have a minute and care to respond, any reasons given for upgrading to 6.0 would be appreciated. (Sometimes I cringe for fear the newest will be the worstest. 'Shappened before.)
Ron, Thanks for the info. I had forgotten that there used to be pink folders. Now at the risk of sounding REALLY doltish, where would you suggest I go to find "Windows Explorer?"

I know, I know. I'm ON Windows Explorer and I have clicked on all the little dohickies across the top of the screen, I even found where to dump the history file, but no Windows Folder. I checked all the thingies on the desktop too but to no avail.

It sure would be nice to have a Grumble for Dummies at this site.
OK, hold the red alert, stand down to yellow. I pressed the Start button, found Windows Explorer, found Windows Folder, FOUND 88 COOKIES!

That's as far as I got. Under File, it said Open and Close. Delete was greyed out. Now what?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MerpsMom:
any reasons given for upgrading to 6.0 would be appreciated.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are smart to be leary. I have some disease for which there is no cure. It compells me to upgrade every piece of software I use and even some I own but have never used. It stems from the misguided assumption that 'newer is better.' Sometimes that's true and sometimes (such as the case with Windows ME) newer is just awful.

In the case of IE 6.0, I installed it because it was there - a free download dangling in front of me. Nothing horrible has happened yet, and it did solve my cookie problem. There appear to be some new security features and an easier way to deal with web graphics. But mostly, it's very much the same. My advice (which I wish I could follow:) leave well-enough alone.


The confusion is not your fault. Microsoft should be split up just for having windows components named Internet Explorer (your internet browser) and Windows Explorer (a file manager.) Don't even get me started on My Computer.

If you open Windows Explorer, go to the Windows directory, then the Cookies subdirectory (under windows) you should see, in the right panel of Explorer, a list of all your cookies. Select/highlight any one of them by single-clicking on it. Then, from the menu on top, choose 'edit', then 'select all'. All the cookies should now be highlighted. Press your 'DEL' key. After confirming that you do, indeed, want to send those files to file purgatory, they should be gone. I'd delete cookies again on TG, but this is probably overkill. You'll have to retype your password on TG and resubmit your preferences, but the elusive pink folders and yellow light bulbs should start working the next time you log on.

If anyone knows any reason why Framar shouldn't delete all her cookies this way, please let us know soon. I don't want to be resonsible for any mass destruction.

Ron - just enough knowledge to be dangerous - Eggers
Once you've deleted your cookies you can go back to the site and reinstall them. Norton's system works has a program called Clean sweep that can help you with these things. Cookies help your browser load things faster, save passwords, and covertly scan your system. If you delete your cookies from IE explorer you start over reloading cookies from websites that you visit. If you have a large Hard drive and do not care if somebody can look at your cookies and see sites you've visited leave em alone. Major reason for deleting them is to recover harddrive space. Alot of times if the system shuts down wrong, some of your cookies can also end up in the ethernet some where.

I still use WIN98 SE will not go to ME or XP for a while. IE 6.o is new I'll wait awhile.

I will try and answer other questions if I can.

Jerry Vandergriff, CPF cm
McCue and Blanford Frame Shop Supply
Crestwood, KY
Thanks, Guys! I managed to delete all but three cookies, deleted cookies on the Grumble, and now there are no lightbulbs at all, much less pink folders? I do not mind deleting cookies, I am not fond of leaving an "ether trail" and I use a pencil and paper to write down addresses (I'm such a dinosaur!) so I haven't lost anything valuable to ME, but where are the lightbulbs??????

I am using Windows 95 and Explorer 5.5. Have a small system with not a lot of storage space.

I really appreciate all your assistance.

I'll bet the next time you log on to TG, your lightbulbs and folders will all be just fine. Of course, if you're reading this, you'll already know one way or another.

BTW, if JerryV and I ever give you conflicting information regarding computers, I'd recommend you listen to Jerry. I have reason to suspect that his experience is not entirely trial-and-error as mine is.

A new twist to the IE6.0 upgrade adventure. My on-line banking will not let me online with 6.0. It does offer to 'upgrade' my browser to IE5.5. Fortunately, I have two other computers that still have IE5.5, so I can handle my banking.

This kind of reminds me of all those vending machines that wouldn't accept the new $20 bill.

Ron, Logged on and off TG several times since Operation Delete Cookies and still no pink or light bulbs or pink light bulbs. And I have to put in my name but it knows my password. I feel really stupid about this and the only reason to keep posting about it is I am sure there are shy Grumblers out there in the ether with the same problem who will never post a question about anything.

If there is one thing I have learned in this life it is "Always Ask Questions."

Last week I updated to Internet Explorer 6.0 and it's great! it solved several problems and added many new features. one I really like is when a picture, or photo comes up on your monitor IE instantly give you the option of copying it, changing the size or orientation.
It took less than 3 minutes to download and there have been no problems.

Ron and all,
I don't have any folders or lightbulbs either. I haven't changed nothin. Framer maybe changing things we may have to ask him. I do notice that once I log onto the grumble with favorites it tells me cookies are bypassed. So they may not be refreshed. Have to wait and see, like I said my light bulbs are out.

I believe my cookie-deleting utility gives me the option of designating certain cookies as "immune from deletion." I'll be sure and specify that no Cookies from San Diego be deleted. You're safe for now, but let me know if you ever move.
Move???? From San Diego??? Are you kidding??? (well, maybe due to traffic & crowding, but NEVER due to weather)