Pictures Gone for Now

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
It looks to me like Marc's image servers,, are down for now. I could see his pictures a while ago, but not now. This happens from time-to-time for routine maintainance with most of the servers.

So don't be alarmed if you see nothing but red X's instead of photos. (The red X's have almost achieved graemlin status on The Grumble.)

It is odd.

If I right click the mouse and choose "copy image location," and then past it in the browser, it comes up.

So the Picturelist server is runnig.

I went to one of the threads that had a URL point or an Image point, and changed it to a type listing , and it still dld not come up.

Says document contains no data.
But if you put that in your borwser header, it comes up.

Is it a Grumble thing? Ron, you are the cumputer forum **** . Save me.
Here's a little test:

One of Marc's pictures

Marc, I am able to duplicate your experiment, with one additional twist. I cannot access your photos with either a link or an imbedded image but, by pasting the URL for the image into the browser it does come up. Plus, after doing that, I can now see you image on this post. (Actually, it's only temporary. It comes and goes.) (The link to the image URL still doesn't work, though.) Can you see the image on this post?

This is way outta my league, I'm afraid. The problem may be with The Grumble, but images on other servers appear to be working just fine. And if the problem is with your server, then why can we still get the image to come up? I went to the picturelist homepage and didn't see any notices about problems, but I didn't get further than that, since I'm not registered there.

My advice? Go home and play with your dog and your son, get a good night's sleep and check back in the morning. I'll bet everything will be back to normal.
Your pictures aren't showing up either, Ron.

But this is really strange. I went to marc's design 102 thread and the large images were dead. But both the closeups came up without a hitch.

Go figger!

Is it a Grumble thing? Ron, you are the cumputer forum **** . Save me.
Let's see . . . Four letters. A noun. Okay, **** must be 'dope.'

My advice? Go home and play with your dog and your son, get a good night's sleep and check back in the morning. I'll bet everything will be back to normal.
I hope you're still asleep out there in North Hollywood, Marc, 'cause it's still not "back to normal."


The techi forum, where useful, practical advice about technical matters is available 24/7. Oh, wait - this is the design forum!

Never mind.
It was **** or since it was auto-edited again d u d e.
I still do not know why it is on the **** list. Ooopps, another auto edit.
This time it was a word that sounds like hit. But then again, I do not know why **** (d u d e) is on the hit list either.

As for the pix, I have no clue.

I was going to e-mail picturelist, but slothed out, and did not . . . .yet.
D u d e is on the auto edit as I dislike its use. Sorry personal problem on my part and a long story.

But what about the pix?

They are alive on my server.

They come up when I paste it in the URL

Then they will come up in The Grumble web thread page.

One server or the other is not happy with the estrangement.

But who or whom?
D u d e, take a look on It appears they are blocking requests for pictures from everywhere but auction sites. Looks like you need a new picture server.
New computer.
Built-in seamless FTP within browser.
Dedicated easy access web-space.

I (and Ron, but he doesn't know it yet) will be moderating the Design Forum, and proding it to a more used and usefull fourum.
What a pleasant surprize to wake up to on Sunday morning. :eek:

Actually, Marc and I talked about this and agreed that this forum has a huge potential if we could just make it easier for people to post pictures to it.

Be careful what you wish for . . .