Since most of us here are custom picture framers, we likely will cry out, “A pox upon your house” for suggesting Graphix Dimensions.
However, I had an old lady customer on a fixed budget who would order the metal chops and have me trim to size. (At that time they would only cut chops to the nearest 1 or 2 inches). Their allowance was a full 1/4” rather than the standard 1/8”, so without cutting them down, the framed contents rattled around too much for my liking.
I only have experience with the metals, but IMHO GD’s finishes are okay, but not great. They sometimes had very slight imperfections. Their prices are extraordinarily good, but unless you order sizable quantities, the shipping will kill you. If I remember correctly, their corner hardware was not the best in the universe, either.
If your budget will allow, I would suggest either Nielsen or Clark (for metals).
Again, I do not have any experience with their wood frames.