PictureFrames.com Graphik Dimensions Ltd.


Grumbler in Training
Jun 2, 2004
Houston, TX
I am obviously not a picture framer but an interested party. What is the general feeling about Graphik Dimensions as a source for framing at home. Can anyone help? Is this an old question? I searched recent questions but could find no mention.

Since most of us here are custom picture framers, we likely will cry out, “A pox upon your house” for suggesting Graphix Dimensions.

However, I had an old lady customer on a fixed budget who would order the metal chops and have me trim to size. (At that time they would only cut chops to the nearest 1 or 2 inches). Their allowance was a full 1/4” rather than the standard 1/8”, so without cutting them down, the framed contents rattled around too much for my liking.

I only have experience with the metals, but IMHO GD’s finishes are okay, but not great. They sometimes had very slight imperfections. Their prices are extraordinarily good, but unless you order sizable quantities, the shipping will kill you. If I remember correctly, their corner hardware was not the best in the universe, either.

If your budget will allow, I would suggest either Nielsen or Clark (for metals).

Again, I do not have any experience with their wood frames.
Hi Tom-As Bill said, this is a forum of framers that typically make their living off of doing what you want to do yourself.

I'm sure you will get plenty of advice, but perhaps you could give us some insight as to why you don't use a profesional custom framer.

There is a great poll in The Voting Booth forum that deals with consumer's perceptions. Perhaps, as being in the 85% of consumers that do not use our services, you could share your opinions on the why not's.

Just as you feel our opinion is important, I think your opinion on why you don't use the services of a professional framer might be equally important
Why not just order a frame or two from Graphic Dimension and see how you like them. You can ask other people all day long, but until you try it for yourself, all our answers really don't mean a thing. I know this may cost you a couple of dollars to try them, and I honestly just feel awful about it.

That is what professional framers have to do, spend the money to find out how we like a supplier, or their product. We throw all kinds of money away trying to find the consumer better products and prices, just the cost of doing business

If you are going to be placing a good size order put it together be honest and price it including the shipping and the hardware charges and anything else the add on in small print. Take your oder to a couple of local framers and see what they can do for you. Don't forget they may provide you with glass and backing also. You may have better luck with independent framers than Chain stores on this one. Don't be rude just tell them you are going to place an order and wanted to see if you could buy locally first. Remember {it is hard}the tax dollars stay in your town. This in the long run will keep jobs in your city. Even if it is a little more you will benifit in the long run. We have worked to keep the metal frame business very hard and we sell matting, glass, and backing to go with it. Frames may be a little more but the customer saves on the glass and matting.

Remember that local frame shop/employee probable buys something from someone who in turn helps to pay your wages. If everyone sends that business out of town?
It is fun It easy but is it really cheaper to buy out of town? In the long run it may be more costly than we think.
Yea we are buying cheaper underwear but ask the garment workers in North Carolina if it was cheaper, or the steel workers in Canton if the cars are any cheaper etc you get the point.

I will go as high as 15% more if I can get it locally I will.
Good luck take what you want and leave the rest!