Do you have a picture editing software? If so, you should be able to resize your picture and save it at the new size. Try to save it as another name, so you can keep the original file, just in case. The unit measurement for image size on monitors and on the web is usually in number of pixels. Your flower is 32 x 32 pixels. The typical image size I post here is 400 pixels wide. For signature images, I would keep them at 150 or Less. I use Photo Shop for image editing, and I can size my images in almost any unit of measurement, i.e., inches, which can tell you how large an image will print on paper.
So, let us know what you do know how to do,what software you may have, and I'm sure we can help.
Otherwise, for now, if you would like, you can email me the image, and I will resize it and send it back to you.