Picture Framing Game?

Actually, I would probably bid on this item if it were in better condition. I find things like this that pertain to the history of framing quite fascinating.

Originally posted by wcox:
Isn't that a picture of Ron and Emibub??
Yup, that is Ron and I. In fact, right after the picture was done I hauled off and smacked him one because he took my frame, the rest is history........
Hey look at that - a Michael's CPF training kit.
Someone asked on another thread about the future of our industry, perhaps this is it. We could make up little picture framing kits and sell them on e-bay. Great way to get rid of scraps and old prints.

Bidding has ended for this item (gramps6 is the winner)

Wow Ron! This will be a great addition to your shop :D (didn't know you were gramps!)
Sorry mcphoto
Ron is not Gramps6, I am. Funny what framers collect isn't it. I have one of the most complete library's of self framing books around they are a hoot.

Jill Hennes CPF
Omro Gallery