Picture Framer Nutcracker

John Ranes II CPF GCF

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Nov 5, 1997
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc
It's amazing how I've come full circle. In our shop we've carried gift items and home decor to compliment our framing for a number of years, and added Christmas collectibles: Ornaments and German nutcrackers since 1988.

This year we've had the renowned firm, Christian Ulbricht produce a limited edition nutcracker exclusively to honor our trade and the craft of picture framing. And so we proudly introduce this Picture Framer Nutcracker . He is a genuine German made nutcracker (Those that collect know that they're not really used to crack nuts, although they were originally), and is decked out in the appropriate attire.

If you have any questions, please drop me a note.... john@theframeworkshop.com

I will upload a better image soon.

Happy Holidays,

Well, I've finally had enough time to take a better shot of our Picture Framer Nutcracker . Actually, the truth beknown........I couldn't locate the charge cord to recharge my digital camera batteries! :rolleyes:

Anyway, here's a full shot of this fellow....

Here's a close up of his apron pockets, and an issue of Decor Magazine....it measures about 1-3/8 x 2 inches!


All the best!


[ 02-16-2004, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: John Ranes II, CPF, GCF ]
Ron; That was my opinion too when we got ours.However Marie swares it looks like me.I must confess the crackers hair and mustache is more my color but the amount of Hair is by all means more like John.Besides Christian Ulbricht has never laid eyes on me even though John and Sarah have faithfully sent Marie and I an invitation to their Cristmas Breakfast with Christian every year.
While we keep threating to attend at least this year I finally Bought something for Marie ,who is a Nutcracker fanatic as well as loveing hand blown Christmas ornaments. John's no fool he knows how to make a sale.LOL
If we ever do attend your shop is definetly on our list .(That's a promise not a threat.)
Is that a pc of foam board in the pocket as well? What does that writing say?

I think maybe a little more authentic if it had a bunch of fractions scribbled all over it!

The Decor is a nice touch, and the putty disguising plaid shirt is a realistic choice. When is the female version coming out? I hope she's a blonde... ;)
Originally posted by John Ranes II, CPF, GCF:
the tools of his trade in his apron pockets,
including a copy of Decor Magazine,

Making a statement there John? Or was it a one or the other option, and you had to go with one.
Or is it the 1978 issue of Decor?

Originally posted by John Ranes II, CPF, GCF:
our "Framer" holds an array of mat corner samples in one hand
Rag, regular, or SRM?
Is that a pc of foam board in the pocket as well? What does that writing say?
It looks like a carpenter's square to me.

I have to question the accuracy of this framer. It looks like he's got pretty "deep pockets."

On the other hand, he appears to be missing all of his fingers.
Hi Marc,

The carving chisel is a framing tool that I've never used in my 27 years in the framing industry, but a number of framers that I'll see this next week in Italy will surely recognize it as belonging in their shop!

The cover of Decor is actually the June 2003 issue. (The date can be read with a magnifying glass.) Even this old framer keeps up with the trends!

The corner samples of matboard have been cut from Bainbridge Alphamat, cut on a Fletcher F-6100 CMC.

And Ron is correct in identifying the carpenter's square.

Sorry to say Barb, that most German nutcracker makers produce male figures. Although they do make the ocaissionaly "Princess", "Bride" or "Angel". Electing to go with a male figure was simply an easier way to go....my apologies.

Barb, I heard a rumor that Christian Ulbricht made a couple of prototype Barbi Framer Nutcrackers, but he found it impossible to make a base heavy-enough to prevent her from toppling forward all the time.

Good idea, though.
Barb ;Although as john so correctly noted: "most German nutcracker makers produce male figures" some non-authentic makers don't .In fact Marie has in her collection a matching pair of King and Queen Crackers.When I can get her down from the ledge I'll have my daughter post a picture.
I really think another part of the problem is that most Nutcrackers are rather grotesque in their facial appearance (Large gritting teeth painted on their big mouths and wide gapping eyes) and as such don't lend themself to well to the delicate features of a female.She is definetly deferent but not TRADITIONAL.

[ 02-17-2004, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: BUDDY ]
John , if you sell out and decide to do a sequel, framing princess works for me.

Buddy , I think the grotesque features would just lend itself to the position she holds--a stressed out framing princess nutcracker! Sort of a Cinderella, PPFA style! Instead of a prince, she'll be hoping for the next large order.

Sorry for frankenthreading--he's a "doll", in spite of the digit deficit. You have done well.

(I'll be glad when I get my new contacts so that I can tell a square from a pc of fome board!--How embarrasing!)
I'm bringing this to the top, in time for Christmas Holiday gift giving...

This limited edition nutcracker retails for $246.00 but I've been playing with my Shopping Cart software and created a special discount code field.

Any Grumbler who orders this item online and types in the Discount Code:Grumbler found on the payment screen window, will receive a 15% discount. This promotion will run through December 31st.

Picture Framer Nutcracker

