Picture Display from "My Profile"

Bill Henry-

Brussel Sprout Connoisseur
Aug 17, 2002
Boondock Bowerbank, ME
Retired from the grind
In my Profile Manager, I have typed in a what I believe is a valid URL referencing my picture which is nestled snugly in my web site.

When I type or copy that URL in the Netscape or Explorer browser location field, the image appears.

But when I post to the forums, that image does NOT appear.

I have tried the “ ... [img/]” thing in the "Your Picture" field (in the Profile Manager), but that doesn’t seem to work either.

What am I doing wrong?

Is it because I am a lowly “Grumbler in Training”?
Bill, I don't think it's 'cause you're a Grumbler in training. I can't get my picture to work in my profile, either.

I just figured my picture was too ugly.

If the "
" thing is going to help, you need to put the slash at the <u>beginning</U> of the second .

Has anybody gotten this to work? I don't want to look at 2,000 profiles to see.
To Rick,

Yes, that is the image I am referring to. But it doesn't show up in either my NN 4.7 or I.E. 5 when I post in the Grumble. And if you have such an image, I cannot see it, either.

Wonder why?

To Ron,

The .gif image I am referring to is able to be seen by Rick, but not me. I can see your animated GIF, though. It's very well done, by the way.

Still wonder why I can't see mine.


Thanks to both you guys
Bill, I can see your picture as well.

Just another of an endless stream of internet mysteries on The Grumble.
Correct me if I'm wrong here. If you look at Bills profile he has put his picture where it says "picture". Won't that picture just show up in his profile? I think what he is trying to do is have a custom avatar like Ron's. I was under the impression that only moderators could have custom avatars. So wouldn't he have to put it under his signature for it to show up on his posts?

I am having my own share of problems posting a picture so I am just taking a shot in the dark..........
I think the fat-cat framer from Colorado might have something there. I've re-read Bill's original post and I think Kathy's right.

Bill, the picture you put in your profile under "picture" only shows up in your profile (along with your birthday, AIM # and other optional info.) The picture you see at the end of some posts is part of the signature (also set up in your profile.) The animated GIF you see in the upper left of my posts is an "avatar." Avatars are set up - you guessed it - in your profile. You can choose from a wide selection of cryptic avatars and moderators can create - or steal - a custom avatar. It's a moderator perk to go along with the company car, the pension and the stock options.
Thanks, everybody.

I get it now.

I was under the impression that the picture showed up automatically in the post.

... that, and thinking an "avatar" was some kind of Albanian mouse trap.
Hi Bill,

Welcome to the Grumble if I didn't do that in a previous post. (Forgetfulness is one of my options ................... along with side airbags and a Bose sound system.)

Actually, I used Avatar when I was living in Europe. It is a Belgium medicinal remedy for gerd, athlete's foot, and scaly navel and is taken each morning with a glass of warm beer. It really works! (And, NO, I have no intentions of telling anyone which ailment I was treating!) ;)


Thanks for the welcome.

You don't have to describe what you used "Avatar" for ... we all got that notice from the NIH.