Picture around name


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 18, 2001
Mansfield, Ohio
I would like a picture around my name when I send a message. How do I do that? Or? How do I paste a cool signature. I tried to paste one once and it just turned out in regular print.
If you want a little avatar, which is the picture under the name like Ron, et al have, just go to "my profile" at the top of the page, then view/update profile and choose from one of the avatars shown.

If you want a custom avatar to show up in your signature line, put the complete URL in your signature line along with the correct HTML tags. For instance,

It's just that easy. Heck, if I can do it, anyone can.
Thanks MiterMan! I couldn't figure it out either. Purp and I were laughing about our computer inabilities at work today regarding this feature. I hope it works. The one I picked is perfect.

You have something wrong with the address for your image. Check to see that you copied it letter for letter. One period in the wrong place will make it not work.

You ARE close though. Just keep trying to get the correct address added in where you want it and it should appear.

Hey if I can do it anybody can! Actually I had coaching from Ron and Charles. Keep trying :rolleyes: I'm actually quite proud of my signature, I don't think anybody has even noticed.................. :(

The address did not include the jpg so I added that. OK?

I copied (as in, CtrlC then CtrlV) it exactly except for adding the jpg that was under the picture (as in the MSN Photos site that Ron Eggers has all our pictures on). OK?

I think I may have copied the whole lot of our pictures and it may take a few hundred years to load. I'll try again.

Thanks for the prompts.

Kathy! That isn't a meatloaf!! That's a loaf of bread....it's called "loafing" at our house!

So, how'd you get the picture to show up? Did you lift it from Ron's site, or your own scanner? I think I can do it from my digital camera, my scanner--maybe, but I'm trying to learn this @#$%&*!# method off the MSN site.

I checked the properties on your image that you are trying to get working and there isn't an image type on the URL yet. ie., .jpg (make sure you add it as "dot"jpg)

Are you storing it on the MSN site? You will have to place it somewhere on the internet or it will be inaccessible for this website to use. (but, you already knew that!) ;)

I'll keep an eye open ;) and see if you get it up and running.

Mel, I have to say I tried and tried and was not successful when it came time to get it into the Grumble. Charles Lowery gave me some tips a couple of weeks ago and then it just made sense. Ron had a thread on posting pictures I think in this Tech forum, probably a couple of months ago. Go back and read the Avatars thread in the main forum, Charles added some info there. Good luck!
Yes she is my little meatloaf. I grew grass for her to eat and she ended up trying to sleep in it. She is so tubby that she would get all comfy and the sides would expand and she would eventually fall over planter and all. I have since upgraded to a galvanized round tub.
Here we go again. I think I wasn't getting the whole address. As for getting on the internet, I had skipped that. Palm smacking forehead....
<h4>Way to Go MEL!!</h4>

Huh, well what happened NOW????

Here, I just saw a photo of, I would guess, your family and before I get a chance to congratulate you ...........POOF!! It's gone!!

Well, you have the routine down now so getting back up will be a breeze now.

<h4>Way to Go MEL!!</h4>

Huh, well what happened NOW????

Here, I just saw a photo of, I would guess, your family and before I get a chance to congratulate you ...........POOF!! It's gone!!

Well, you have the routine down now so getting back up will be a breeze now.

I guess you could simply use that white box with the red "X" in it. I don't think anybody else is using that right now. :D

I call that pose Kitty Loaf Of Bread also!
But another name for it is All Four Cars In The Garage.

Can you guess what Leopard On A Limb is?
or Superman
or Halloween Cat
or Jabba The Hut