Photoshop software

Amy McCray

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Dec 3, 2002
North Prairie, WI
Does anyone have an old version of Photoshop they would like to sell? I have access to purchase the Photoshop 7 upgrade, but need an older version loaded on my computer first.

The older version should suit my purposes just fine as far as capabilities.

Can be Mac or Windows. (Using Mac OS 9.2 or X and Windows XP).

Thanks much.

Be careful about buying an older version that has already been registered. Companies may not honor it when trying to purchase an upgrade. I had this problem when I tried to upgrade Paint Shop Pro Studio. I bought what I thought was a new “unregistered” copy only to find out that it was previously installed and could not buy the upgrade.
I would hold off on buying 7.(2002) Version 8 (cs) has come and gone and version 9 (cs2) was released a couple weeks ago.

When someone upgrades from one version to another, at a reduced rate, it invalidates the license for the old version. Also, most software is "sold" in such a way where it is non transferrable. In most cases you are buying the right to use it, but don't actually own it. (gotta love lawyers!)

I haven't seen CS2, but it sounds like a great improvement

Amy, have you looked at Photoshop Elements 3.0?

I have Photoshop 7.0, but I have actually uninstalled it in favor of Elements. I've found it will do everything I need, including processing raw files from my digital Rebel.

And it costs less than a Photoshop upgrade.
Thanks all. Good info. I haven't actually seen Photoshop Elements but it sounds like it would be sufficient to do the basics that I need. I have Photoshop LE, which came w/ the scanner many moons ago, but it doesn't allow upgrades of any kind, hence my search.

Have a great Memorial Day.
Ron, was looking at Elements at Fry's for $39.... what won't it do? I do a lot of artistic stuff with my photos....( I've lost 100lbs... :D ) will elements still do stuff like that?
Elements is a great spin-off product, it has many of the features of the full blown product but most noticeably does not allow layer masking but this can be simulated by use of additional layers. The pen tool is also missing, as with the channels palette, actions and layer styles (to a degree). If you currently use Photoshop and do not need these functions then Elements is certainly the path to go.
Lance, that's good to know that it waa upgradable to 5.5. I was told there was no upgrade. Maybe I could find a 5.5 somewhere.

Baer, what is Fry's? $39 is a steal. When it first came out one could find it for $50 but now it's $90+.

I'm trying to take an image that was created for me on PS by someone else. It will be a logo. It has 2 layers. The background layer is the state of Wis. and needs to be made a lighter shade. The foreground layer is an object that needs to be made a little bit larger and outlined in black.

Anyone know if Elements will allow me to do that?

You'll see earlier versions of Elements around for bargain prices. I already had 2.0 and another copy came with my digital Rebel, but I went out and bought 3.0 at Sam's Club. I think it was just under $80. It is quite a different beast than 2.0.

Amy, I'll email you privately. I must have something laying around here that will do what you need.