WOW Framer
I have a question (so what else is new?) about how to transfer both photographs and documents. What is the best way? My cousin, Wes, the one I haven't seen in almost 40 years (ouch!), has been helping me round up our two dozen widely scattered first cousins. Wes, Bless his heart, has been working on our family geneology for years now and he is almost ready to share this with the rest of us.
He has over 60 legal size pages of text, plus charts and documents and hundreds of photos. I thought that putting all this on a CD would be more cost-effective and versatile. Wes sez the photos are no problem, but when he converts the PDFs to JPGs they lose sharpness and come out fuzzy. And that is where he loses me, so I told him I would ask you expert Grumblers, who are all so sweet and handsome and beautiful and wonderful and helpful.......
He has over 60 legal size pages of text, plus charts and documents and hundreds of photos. I thought that putting all this on a CD would be more cost-effective and versatile. Wes sez the photos are no problem, but when he converts the PDFs to JPGs they lose sharpness and come out fuzzy. And that is where he loses me, so I told him I would ask you expert Grumblers, who are all so sweet and handsome and beautiful and wonderful and helpful.......