
PFG, Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Nov 19, 2002
United Kingdom, West Sussex Coast. (Bottom centre)
I notice that I am not the only one who has a little box with a red cross in instead of a photo in my profile.

I am doing the same as if I wanted to post a photo in a post from photobucket. That works, why doesn't it work in my profile?

If photo needs re-sizing or re-anything-ing please tell me which buttons to press and not mention big words like folders and browsers an' stuff!

(Disclaimer - if I get it to work - you all get nightmares har har)
It's okay, Paul.
If it's in his profile you won't see it unless you go and look.

Since we've had fair warning it shouldn't be a problem. ;)

Go to your image that you are trying to post and try this:

1. Right click on the image

2. In the box that pops up click on Properties

3. You will get another little box with Element Properties or some such wording (this is what the Firefox box says)

4. Find the URL that starts with "HTTP://" and, holding down your left mouse button, drag across it to highlight it but make sure that nothing else is included in this address, no dots or other extraneous letters or symbols

5. Right click on the highlighted address and click on Copy

6. Now go to the bottom of your post and click on the little box that says "image"

7. The HTTP:// will already be highlighted, don't touch it, just right click on that area and click on Paste and your address for that image should be in that box

8. Click on OK and then click on Preview Post to see if your image is in your post

Sometimes you need to isolate an image before clicking on it to get its address. Just click on that image to isolate it by itself and then go through the above procedure. That should give you what you are looking for.

And if you are trying to put that photo in your profile, simply go through the above procedure up to the Copy part and then go into your Update Profile and click on the white box next to Your Picture and paste your address into the box.

Thanks for going to the trouble, John. It's nice to put a face together with the name, unless it's a face like FramerGuy's (then you post a penguin) or mine (and you post a caricature.)
FLORIDA penguin, thank you very much!!


(Regular penguins don't wear shades and they can't keep a beat worth a durn!!)

John, you look so ......... so British!!!!

Welcome to the Grumble, photo of John!

I guess that means that most of us American!
Except for you Tom. I think that penguin looks like he is in outer space somewhere. Really far out, man!
Oh, the suit, I wear one on a Saturday. I own 20 odd - went a bit mad on Ebay - that one is Versace (Yeah - right!)

Keeps me out of the workshop and makes me feel like the MD for a day.
I am quite sure that John took my comment in the most gracious manner in which it was meant.

<font size=1>(You DID take my comment in the best ... most ......... uh, what I said up there, didn't you???)</font>

Originally posted by Framerguy:
I am quite sure that John took my comment in the most gracious manner in which it was meant.

<font size=1>(You DID take my comment in the best ... most ......... uh, what I said up there, didn't you
Absolutely, very tactful to call me British too - not English - I am Welsh!