Philly Vendors???

stud d

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 17, 2003
next too you
I am wondering if anyone knows who is actually setting up in Philly this year. My boss was interested in going, but is fading. He wants to know who is going to be there, I told him how last year many of the bigger vendors did not show. It was a good show, but he would like to know...I figure somewhere out there someone has some information about what is going on. Thanks for the help

FrameTek will be there in full force with some new products and great framing ideas. Stop by booth 112 and say hello. Tell your boss that it's better for both him and the suppliers to meet at the shows without all the interruptions in the frame shop. Also, he can find NEW vendors that otherwise he would not find coming to visit your shop.

(Great restaurants in Philly too!)
Yeah philly is good. The thing is he might go and possibly pay...if he thinks the big folks will be there. Last year did not have much, although i believe it was the first time in philly. So I was hoping to save a couple dollars if he paid, poor that i am, that could help.

Greg have you heard who else might be there???
Joe man you rock!!! Thnak I have been fiddling with that site to no avail. I dont know your magical ways, but i shall be watching you from now on. I appreciate you giving me the link. Thnaks again
I took a look at it and noticed some of the big folks are not taking notice of philly. Why no Larson, Roma, New Jersey, CMI (Washington),Turner, Regence,United, etc? Is it too new? Dont we have someone from Larson on here? Ok maybe it is just me...oh well.
Larson was there last year but our rept told us early this year that they would be doing very few shows this year (three, I think) so it doesn't surprise me that Philly is not one of them.