Well, I'll be! There it is. Actually, after some of the stuff on here, I'm kinda embarrassed, but here goes:
The clients wanted a memento of their trips to Ireland, Scotland, and England where they played golf at some of the great courses. They collected the enameled ball markers at each of the locations they played. She asked how I could get a picture in as well, and that's when we came up with the clock idea. (Initially, they only had eight markers so we left 10:00, 2:00, 4:00, and 8:00 open for later.) Client also wanted felt for the "green" 'though I would have used a finer fabric. I cut the circle with a reverse bevel after gluing the felt to matboard. It's tough to get a good cut on felt. I dry-mounted the photo in the center of the 12 x 12 f/c backboard, making sure there was plenty of room outside the circle so photo edges wouldn't be seen when the feltboard was lifted and spaced off the photo backboard. To accommodate the shank of the markers and the clock stem, I used two layers of 3/16 f/c to separate the two.
The customer had bought the clock kit at a hobby store (not the highest of quality but all she could find). I drilled a hole for the shank of the clock and shimmed it for stability with f/c.
The frame is a furniture finish with a rabbet about 1-1/4". After dropping in the glass, I used Arlo spacers, then the "green" with markers securely pushed in, then photo backboard with f/c shim, then f/c to fill to back level of frame. I cut a rectangular opening to accommodate the battery holder so they could change same, and finished with dust paper cut and atg'd around it. Hanging system was two sawtooth hangers. You don't make any money on the first one, believe me.