MGF, Master Grumble Framer
OK, I am considering that I should be trying to mount some of the things that up to now I have hinged, photos, posters etc. I do not have a heat press (and really don't have a lot of extra room for one) so I am thinking of the perfect mount system.
Crescent sells Perfect Mount on boards and by the roll. I am assuming the roll is more economical. I have never actually used it. How does it work? Besides the raw materials what else would I need? Some kind of roller (brayer) to apply pressure? Is there a special applicator or can I just pull a length off of the roll and apply by hand? Any pointers or experiences would be appreciated!
On another (related) tack. When you mount something on a board, is it common practice to cut the board to the size of the frame and try to line up the image precisely. Does one trim the board to the edge of the image and then suspend it in the frame, perhaps to a back board (I guess hinging it)? I imagine if you were to cut the mount board oversize and then square up to the image after mounting that would be the plan? I have V Kistlers series of books, the one on mounting does not seem to cover this.
Crescent sells Perfect Mount on boards and by the roll. I am assuming the roll is more economical. I have never actually used it. How does it work? Besides the raw materials what else would I need? Some kind of roller (brayer) to apply pressure? Is there a special applicator or can I just pull a length off of the roll and apply by hand? Any pointers or experiences would be appreciated!
On another (related) tack. When you mount something on a board, is it common practice to cut the board to the size of the frame and try to line up the image precisely. Does one trim the board to the edge of the image and then suspend it in the frame, perhaps to a back board (I guess hinging it)? I imagine if you were to cut the mount board oversize and then square up to the image after mounting that would be the plan? I have V Kistlers series of books, the one on mounting does not seem to cover this.