pencil drawings, what backing?


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 15, 2004
Frankfort, IN
I have not had experience in framing any pencil drawings and would like to know the best way to preserve them. I was thinking of using speed mount along with a foam board backing to keep them off the glass since the drawings are heavy with pencil and not wanting them to touch the glass. Both of them are 22 x 25 in size. I would be concerned the pencil would come off on anything I put on the front to protect them. Any suggestions?

i would hinge them and either overmat (preferably) or use spacers to separate from the glazing----orrrr float them with pass-through hinges and use spacers.
my 2 dinars
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
Mat and hinge.

(How will Speedmount with fome board backing keep them off the glass?)
Sorry, I should have said I had planned on double matting them and using a hinge. I also should have said they are on very thin paper, which simple mat and hinge would probably not hold them flat or keep them from buckling over time. (IMHO) I was more interested on information about keeping them flat over time, which the speed mount seemed to be the best way. I was wanting others opinions on this.

Pencil drawings are unique items and as such, should be housed with techniques that are fully
reversible, since a future owner may value having
the sheet in an unaltered condition over flatness.
Overmatting the margins of the sheet will help
keep it flat, and spacing it away from the glazing
will, too. Since a double mat is being used, it
should be rigid enough to allow for the use of
spacers along with the window mat and that would
help keep the graphite away from the glazing.
