Hi Lance
I did look at the real thing and struggled with it……I just could not get it to work for me it was not user friendly……that was me rather than Adobe……..I struggle with most software……….
I will for the most part only need PDF’s to send quotations and technical specifications for the products I sell………..I’m selling into some industries that need to have secure documentation for tractability…….for example the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industries ………………….one project I have been working on is getting one of the mats that I sell passed for worldwide use in class 100 Cleanrooms by one of the worlds biggest Pharmaceutical companies ……………….I have a file on that project that is now 9” thick…..and all of the documents I have produced needed to be faxed as I could not produce PDF’s…………….it was becoming a pain in the a*s till I found AcroPDF….this project should be worth about €20,000 to €30,000 margin to me in Ireland over the next 3 years and to the mat manufacture (a very small European Company) it should position them as the leader in their field worldwide…………….I was able to manage this project because of my background in the cleanroom industry…
I have tried Adobe, I have Coral, and PDF Factory, I just could not get them to work for me……..cost was NOT an issue…….Coral licence alone has cost me €700.00+…………………ease of us was my problem………………….
An IT expert from one of the largest engineering companies in Europe suggested that I try AcroPDF as they had similar issues as I had with various PDF programs and found AcroPDF one of the most user friendly packages in the world they have 800+ licences for AcroPDF in use in their business….
Lastly given my personal circumstances around the computer/IT industry I would under no circumstances take short cuts with software or software licences……though I will search for user friendly options….
AcroPDF is a shareware program not a free program you need to buy a licence to use the full package….