Hey there,
It's extremely easy to do so, and I'll be glad to walk you through the process.
There are several programs that do this, but I prefer Symantec's pcAnywhere.
The ME vs XP is no problem; it can work between different platforms. My laptop is win98, home and office are XP.
The program basically lets you remotely control the keyboard, screen, and mouse from a remote location. It also has file transfer capabilities. (drag and drop)
I have it at my consulting office, on the laptop, at the frame shop, at a client site, and at home. I frequently jump among the above, from each location. We even used it last year while on a 7 day cruise, from the ship, to check up on systems and email. (and to xfer digital pictures back home on a daily basis from the camera, in case it was misplaced)
The actual "network connection" only exists while you are in a session. You use the software to "dial out" to the other end, which has the companion program running in the background which "answers the call". The session can originate through the internet (your DSL) or even through a modem.
If someone was at the office, they would see everything you see. (you can also blank the screen while in session, if desired)
To Use: You simply click on the icon, the computers communicate with each other to establish a connection, and it will ask you for a username and password (this to to keep unauthorized people OUT). Once you supply that information, the remote computer comes up in a window; and it's just like being there. The session is password protected and encrypted. I usually put them behind a router/firewall and change the default ports to hide it, but that's not really necessary if its just a single computer.
If both sides are DSL or Cable, it'll be pretty fast. If one end is a modem and the other end is DSL, it'll be slower but still very usable.
Make sure the version you buy is at least 10.5 or greater. 10.5 was the first version that worked with XP.
If you end up getting this and need help with the installation, don't hesitate to email or call. 401-725-3400.