PC Anywhere

Terry Hart cpf

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 23, 2003
Excelsior, MN
Both my frame order software and cmc want me to have PC Anywhere. I don't know anything about it. Anyone use it? Good? Bad? Is it safe? Do you find it usefull personaly? Can I use it from home to access my store computer or what does it do/ not do? Thanks, Terry
I'm very familiar with this product, if you have any questions. In fact, i'm going through it now to visit the grumble from remote. I was on the beta team for version 10.5 of the product, and have been using it for about 10 years.

We have it installed on our pos computers, on our wizard, at each of our home office machines, on our laptops, and at my other jobs. We can jump back and forth from any machine to any other machine, to grab a file/back up info via the internet/provide support/work up a quick price for a client or from home.

Basically, it extends your machine's keyboard/mouse/monitor to a remote location and lets that remote location take control of your machine. (you will be able to see them typing and moving the mouse, if watching). You can also chat/type with the remote person. We use it to back up our quicken and pos program & data folders every week, from the office to home. (we also do daily data backups on site)

pcAnywhere answers by modem, or through the internet via default ports 5631 and 5632. If you're running a router or firewall, you'll have to open and forward these ports to the internal machine. (I can help with that process if there are any questions)

This program is generally best when the host machine has a DSL or cablemodem. pcAnywhere doesn't just let anyone into your computer. It has security encryption, and requires a user name and password for access.

Windows XP has something similar built in, and some CMC companies use a product called LAPLINK - which has similar functionality.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have further questions
Mike, 'resident computer geek'
Well, apparently any number of people at the cmc and framing software has access through pc anywhere. Can access by these companies be limited to pertinent files related to their programs? Would it be best for a neophyte such as myself to have this set up by someone that knows what they're doing or is it pretty self explanitory? Do you have to buy a program for each computer you want to work from/with? Thanks Mike

Terry, the resident clueless guy
Hi Terry,

Yes, you're supposed to buy a copy for every machine - and its a pricy product. Access can be controlled by you, because it's a program that can be loaded or unloaded at will. (you can put an icon on your desktop to specifically enable it, only when necessary).

To get in, a person would need to know your internet IP address, the port numbers (I hide mine and don't use the default), the login name, and the password. In addition, you can change the access password any time you want(like after each time someone foreign is allowed in) - so people will have to call you for the info. It can be set up for multiple login names and passwords. The program keeps access logs and can be restricted to only allow certain IP addresses.


When you speak of "your internet IP address", are you speaking of a fixed IP? Not everyone has a fixed IP address and they cost extra from most internet service providers (ISP). Some ISPs do not even offer them. Also, you will need to have more than one (a min 2). One for your computer and one for your DSL modem/router.

Is this correct as related to PC Anywhere?
Hi Mark,

Your router will hand out internal IPs in the range of 192.168.x.y using Network Address Translation (NAT). The router will then re-direct the incoming traffic to the appropriate internal machine, based on the port.

Your DSL or Cablemodem will only require one external (real) IP, for the router. Most providers use DHCP which will renew the same IP for years, unless you unplug the cablemodem for several hours. I've had the same IPs for several years with Cox Communications (cable). If the ip does change, the router will automatically adjust. You'll just have to notify the caller of the new IP.

But once a person is "in" they have access to everything, not just what they are supposed to be working on? I'm not positive about the cmc, I know they would like me to have it, but the framing software company is saying that it's required to support their program. Am I just paranoid? Maybe. I guess thats how you get when...

There must be some out there using it as a support tool for their framing software. Any problems? How can you protect customers when you're letting someone you don't know have access to your computer?
Yes, it'll be just like they're sitting at your computer. They'll have control of the mouse and keyboard. (you'll be able to watch what they're doing)