paw prints on mat, Paint?

#4 Chihuahua, and a #2 micro baby feet.Sawed the feet apart to make the foot prints correct, the dog print only comes in one style.

I mixed a "mud" color loosely with acrylic paint.

We apply tempera paint via a sponge in a shallow dish. The dish to the paw rather than the other way around. Then apply the paw to the mat. Have plenty of damp rags to help clean off the paws. One of our most popular fundraising things!
I have a collection of paw-print rubber stamps and use arcihval pigment-based stamp pads and sometimes embossing powder.

I tried using my kitties to stamp mats and they got VERY angry! I have "paw prints" on my floor because one of my cats ran across a freshly painted floor (after I had gone to what I thought were extraordinary measures to keep the cats sequestered away from the painted floor) and it took me an hour to capture her to wipe off the by-then dried thankfully latex paint. She has never forgiven me.

Perhaps dogs are easier to work with?
This reminds me of a fundraiser an artist friend did when the Cleveland Zoo had a new baby rhino.

You guessed it.

The zookeeper helped my friend apply brightly colored tempera paint to the bottom of Aziza's foot and then plop it down on a 12x12 piece of brightly colored mat board. It took both of them to handle her and even then only for a short time at the beginning of this big girl's life. They looked wonderful framed and made big money for a rhino conservancy fund.

Back to our regularly scheduled topic.

Baer, your piece is utterly charming!

edie the eatingtoomuchhalloweencandyalready goddess
I've used rubber stamps with Acrylic paint. I don't use tempra, as it tends to flake. Acrylic paint is acid free, and flexible. Cleans up with soap and water, and is permanent when dry.

Ever frame one of those "Kids art" done in Kindergarden paintings? You know the onse that the paint is crumbling? That is tempra paint. Nasty stuff.
Originally posted by Susan May:
Ever frame one of those "Kids art" done in Kindergarden paintings? You know the onse that the paint is crumbling? That is tempra paint. Nasty stuff.
I agree, but it can be sealed if that's what you have to work with.
I prefer acrylic paints (I have used paws in my paintings) but you could also make a little fast cast from clay if you were so inclined... Also, washable stamp pad ink would work
Just finished the fundraiser with the paw prints. boy that was a trip!! Some of the dogs thought I was going to clip there nails got a little growly at times. It was fun in all. Thanks Ellen at Howards it worked great. :eek: