Paul Frederick's 90th Birthday


Sep 26, 2001
Akron, OH
The West Coast Art & Frame Show
cordially invites you to
The Celebration of
Paul Fredericks 90th Birthday
On Sunday evening Jan 22,2006
the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas
6:30pm to 8pm

There will be
a short film about his very interesting life and
A cake with lots and lots of candles!

Please RSVP to
By Jan 11th
just put Pauls' Birthday in the subject

We need to know how big the cake should be!!!


Vivian Kistler, CPF, GCF, CMG
Columba Publishing Co.
154 Pembroke Road
Akron, OH 44333
phone 330-836-2619 800-999-7491
fax 330-836-9659
For those of us not able to go.....

how about mailing a birthday card to Paul in care of Vivian (if it's okay with her).

A card shower from framers all over the world would be great fun.
Great Idea Maryann!

If Vivian OK's it ours will be in the mail!
For me, this birthday party may be the high spot of the show.

Some of the younger framers may not realize the importance of this man, who has been retired for several years now. He still participates in the PPFA Online Exchange, though.

As a picture framer, Paul Frederick is rightfully a legend in his own time. He pioneered framing education and for many years operated the framing school that served as a template for most of them operating today.

His successful books for framers were among the first published; even well schooled, veteran framers still refer to them for fundamental reminders as well as useful tips & tricks. He was one of PPFA's "Founding Fathers" and contributed countless hours to development and growth of the association in its early days.

A true gentleman, he has represented our industry with style and grace for more years than most of us have been alive. He has undoubtedly shared more framing knowledge with more framers than anyone else.

He richly deserves this recognition, and I hope 10,000 framers show up to tell him so.
There is absolutely no way that Paulie is 90 years old!!

If he was, then that would make me . . me . . ahh . . .<font size=1>oh shoot.</font> :eek:

Happy birthday Paul.
Paul was my framing teacher who taught me that it's pronounced fill-lay! Man, he was old then! (yeah, Baer, I know how you feel!) He taught me so much more, over the years always remembered me and had answers when I called him with "what-do-I-do-now" pleas for help. He even gave me a guitar lesson once, did you know he also played flamenco guitar? I am honored to be one of his alumni, and his framing ethics have stuck with me for a very long time. Wish I could be there, but I will certainly send a card. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL!! :D :D
Well of course he would pronounce it "fill-lay"! ...But then again if he says so, who are we to argue? ;)


Happy birthday, Paul, and thanks for everything!

:cool: Rick