Patriotic Mats!

John Ranes II CPF GCF

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Nov 5, 1997
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc
I thought about posting this subject to the Computors, Software, CMC's Techie Stuff board.......but I'm a "Regular Grumble Page" sort of guy.

Anyway, below you'll see a picture of staff member, Stephanie Schwartz holding a completed "Stars & Stripes" mat as cut on our Fletcher F-6100.


The blue field is an inlay mat set into the white stripes. The red is a second layer showing through, as are the white stars. (This is NOT the type of mat you want to execute by hand......especially this time of the year!)

For those of you with F-6100's, you can download this design directly from the Fletcher-Terry home page: F-6100 American Flag Cut File

The "Flag Mat" measures 11-1/2 x 21 inches when completed, almost the exact 1:1.9 official proportional ratio for the US Flag.

(Wizard users have a similar design availble on their website, and at least one Eclipse owner has designed a "Flag Mat" as well.)

Happy Holidays,



The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc.
Appleton, Wisconsin

[This message has been edited by John Ranes II, CPF, GCF (edited December 05, 2001).]

I know you have an interest in postage stamps. We recently completed a "Stars and Stripes" mat for a customer using our F-6100. The customer is of Arabic heritage and asked us to cut the flag mat but instead of stars we placed a sheet of US postage stamps with Arabic characters in their place. These stamps were issued by the US post office in the past year or so to celebrate an Arabic holiday. This customer is proud of both his American and Muslim connections and was pleased with our design.
I had no idea the 6100 was capable of such feats. On the other hand, I had no idea you were so cute!!

Very good-looking, and makes me really want a Fletcher CMC. Question, though. Do your customers ask for theses as a display piece alone, do they want them framed, or are they to have a window cut out for a photo?
Mel, -- Customers in our shop don't honestly ask for things like this very often. Although, many other framers do sell a major amount of "Designer's Choice" CADD designed mats, the majority of our work is simple rectangular openings, ovals and lots of mutlitple opening mats.

I will say, that cutting this and putting it in a simple gold or white metal frame, might make a nice "impluse" item for Christmas shoppers!?!

The design does illustrate the clean cutting capability of the Fletcher F-6100, and when I downloaded the design, I was also curious as to how well it would cut all those very small stars? They are clean!

Amanda, -- Actually, our staff where what they desire.
We just recommend, clean professional attire -- Stephanie is a smart lady and recognizes the power of looking "professional" at the design counter and selling collectibles.

John Gornall, -- You'll note that we did get the flag "rightside up" unlike our color guard's efforts with the Canadian Maple Leaf in Toronto a few years back!


[This message has been edited by John Ranes II, CPF, GCF (edited December 06, 2001).]
Originally posted by John Ranes II, CPF, GCF:
Amanda, -- Actually, our staff where what they desire.
We just recommend, clean professional attire -- Stephanie is a smart lady and recognizes the power of looking "professional" at the design counter and selling collectibles.

I am somehow feeling slighted by this remark, and just want to point out in my defense that I almost NEVER go out to the front where anyone can see me. In my shop, a framer is a framer and a designer is a designer.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by amanda:
I am somehow feeling slighted by this remark, and just want to point out in my defense that I almost NEVER go out to the front where anyone can see me....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry Amanda.........please don't feel slighted....I was simply defining my staff's selection in attire. Nothing implied at all!


Merry Christmas!