Paper towel stuck to oil painting

Jack Flynn

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Feb 19, 2004
Monterey, VA
Customer has an oil painting. When she stored it away, she put paper towels on it and then enclosed it in plastic. She just called to say when she pulled it out (it was hot where she had it, she said) some of the paper towel bits adhered to the paint.

I told her I won't touch it, that's for a conservator to do. She said she understood, but we are back here in the boonies and conservators are not close by. She has cleaned some things in the past she said, but is seeking things she can try, perhaps on the edge first, to get the paper shards off.

Any ideas?
Hugh, I agree and I will not touch it. She asked if I would make inquiries for her in the event she wishes to try something herself.
You know, even if you get an answer here and pass it along, even with a disclaimer, you could still be held liable if something goes wrong. If not legally then definitely in her eyes.

I know you want to help her, so maybe you could at least refer her to someone.
You both are right. I should not have stopped at telling her I wouldn't touch it, I should have said I can't advise her about it either. Lesson learned. Sometime lending a hand isn't the same as helping a customer. I'll give her a call tomorrow and try to point her toward a solution rather than a workaround. Thanks Hugh and FramerDave.