Paper mat on photo


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 26, 2002
De Pere, WI
All the mat samples at my shop I just bought are conservation mats. A customer brought in a portrait of her son in his basketball uniform. We could not find a mat color to match the uniform. At home I still have my paper mat samples, Crescent Decorative mats. I found a color that matches the uniform. I called the customer and suggested we triple mat the portrait putting a rag mat under the paper mat to seperate it from the portrait. Then I thought maybe I could just cut some Mylar D and place it between the portrait and the paper mat to protect the portrait.

Should I be that concerned about the paper mat on the portrait? Or is it over kill?

Denny - if the color match is that sensitive, I think your biggest concern would be whether the paper mat sample had faded, or might fade in the future. Or whether the board you receive will match the sample you have.

Am I understanding correctly that there is to be only 1/4" of color showing? How about painting a rag mat?

If you use rag and paper both, the bevels are going to be noticibly different colors.

Thanks Kit,

I've painted bevels before but never the mat. Use acrylic paint?
Never thought about the difference in bevels. I'll run these concerns past the customer.
Most of the mat burn I have seen wasn't directly under the mat. Infact the paper back of the mat has seemed to sheild the image from acid burn. The part of the image not even touching the mat, but near the bevel, is what I'm seeing burned.

Carry on.
Denny, when we have painted rag mats in the past with acrylic, we have gotten seperation. So we watercolor the mats now.

Also you might think about fabric mats to match fabric of jerseys. Sometimes the color tends to be less fugitive.. and in a polyester or cotton.... you wouldn't have to be worrying about that third mat..

School colors are becoming popular and with the Frank's Flexible fillet, a snap to pipe in the counter color to a fabric mat.