Panal or paint???


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 15, 2004
Frankfort, IN
I bought a new building to move my studio in. The building I'm in now is just too small. I'm thinking of just paneling the whole thing, different colored paneling in each room, including the work area. Mainly because the drywall needs some work and I don't want to paint everything. I use paneling now where I'm at and it's ok, but I was wondering what others prefer to maybe suggest some pro's and con's of both color and style and which in your opinion is the best to use. Any ideas???

OSB then paint. Gives you a good strong wall to stick a nail in.

If it's a gallery, then go with BCX plywood. Gives a very nice surface. Nail holes fill nice and you can screw anything up to it.

If you screw it down every 6" to every stud.... you have "earthquaked" your shop which in some areas can actually lower your liability insurance.

But most importantly, you would NEVER have to go looking for a stud again.... just screw or nail away.
If we’re talking about the same thing, I have this thing against paneling. It reminds me of a used single wide trailer or the den of a retired merchant mariner. Paneling gives me the impression of cheap.

I would suggest you go with paint. To me it looks cleaner.
what Baer said!!! Plus you have local artists??? do they paint??? do they do wall murals????--something very light/airy--tuscan hillsides, abstracty, etc-use your combined artistics for the room/overall designs--VERY light on image and confined to the "worst" showing walls. this gives the rooms depth/life. use a GOOD semigloss & spray it on BEFORE you move anything in(@5min spray time/room; but 1-2 hrs prep time-dont scrimp on the prep!)

endevor to get it right "the 1st time" cause it's NEVER gonna be as easy to do after al the shop stuff gets put in!!!
I vote for paint. We have paneling in some areas and if I were KING I'd rip it off. I like darker taupe colors, it makes the walls "disappear" and compliments almost any work of art.

Remember that white does not make spaces look larger, just makes them look WHITE!

And orange will make you hungry.. just ask Burger King.