Painting on Plexi Stars

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This was a specialty job that came my way last January. The client wanted a one of a kind design that would knock him out. Price no object ( Yea Right. ) The client had a white on white contemporary decor with other art with strong colors.


The stars were painted on the backside of the plexi. This was done by buying some large plastic stars at the supermarket placing the stars on the paper covering the plexi and carefully cutting around the edges. When done cutting, remove the paper stars from the plexi exposing the plexi for painting. I knew the customer like hot pink as it was in other art at his home. Krylon brand Florecent Pink was used for painting.

The spacing of the stars was a critical measurement. I placed one star in each corner, then figured the number and space between each. Lines and marks were made on the plexi paper to help in placing the stars.

If anyone wants addition info just ask.

Mat was a sculptured linin mat with a 3/16 raised overlay w/round corners. The mat was shaddow boxed 7/8 from the plexi for a deep look. A white fillet was used around the inside edge of the mat.

This message and all graphics are copyrighted 1998 by William McKay and The Picture Framers Grumble.

No reproductions without consent.

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recovered message from: MerpsMom
07:27 PM

framer: this is simply not fair. You're having more fun than you're entitled to with these design ideas. This type of thing is what we used to do before getting too busy, but you've inspired me to get back to some of design work that can be enjoyable. We're going to use the plexi/paint trick soon!
Start out with a couple of 1/8 inch wide lines seperated by 1/4 of an inch.

| | | | Charge at lot the customers will pay.

$50.00 min charge based on .75 per united inch per line. So a 30 X 40 = 70 X 2 lines X .75 = $ 105.00. (Size base on outside glass size) Your cost a can of paint. I started doing this 10 years ago have done several every week, figure the profit.

Anything you can think of can be painted on the plexi.