Oxford price check

Sherry Lee

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 25, 2002
Phoenix, Az.
I just called Oxford Picture Frame Co. in Ontario to get a price check and they are closed for a holiday.

If anyone has a recent price list, would you kindly send me the L/C price for moulding number: 147467.

Thanks much!
Those Canadians - always on holiday!

Yesterday at the grocery store I noticed that they were having a sale on "Holiday Cookies". Since the cookies had red, white and blue sprinkles, I assumed they were left over from the Fourth of July.

Maybe not, eh?

B of F
What?? No 'green' in and around the red, white and blue?? YUCK!

Thanks for responding 'B of F'.....

Looks as though not many deal with Oxford. I only have the one moulding, but it's a good!