Owl group


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 12, 2000
Mansfield, Ohio
This is my first attempt at posting a picture.

That is a nice representation of how a print can be framed.

And it illustrates just how much a little extra design work can enhance an otherwise plain unframed print thumbtacked to the wall!

That should serve as a good selling tool in your shop.

Good job.


P.S. Or was that a single framing for a family of sextuplets interested in owls that had different tastes in framing?? ;)

[ 03-18-2003, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: Framerguy ]
Well, that was exhausting. I didn't do any of it. My husband's a genius.(It's his birthday. I think we should wish him a Happy Birthday!) He figured it out. I have no idea what he did. I'll learn...maybe. How come all you other folks who post pictures make it seem so easy?!

We have individual pictures to post and details about the materials used. Later.

This has been a group effort. My boss's husband took the pictures with a digital camera.

Our owls have already earned their first week's keep as a tool to educate customers as to some of the framing options, especially how to upgrade a design. We've been wanting to do this project for a long time and are glad we finally accomplished it.

[ 03-18-2003, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: Jana ]
Jana, I really like the way you've presented all those options. And won't I be the iconoclast by saying that I like the one with no mat the best! It has something to do with my historical preferences (working class Edwardian house rennovated to style), not with real taste or conservation issues.


Happy Birthday Jan's husband!!!

[ 03-18-2003, 12:44 AM: Message edited by: Rebecca ]
Hi Rebecca. Thanks for putting a new spin on the lowly owl without a mat. It lives in a pretty bad ready made frame!

I go more for the pretentious-moi? owl in the frame avec two...count 'em...two fillets.
Very nice, Jana. Boy, you stayed up late to put those on the G. Happy B day to your husband.
Thanks for sharing that Jana, it looks great.

I have to complement you for not making the 'cheap' one really pathetic or tacky. I saw one framer's series like this and the cheap one was so badly designed (in a way that nobody would ever do even themselves) that it took away from the whole presentation.

I think I'll dig out mine, that got put in the drawer a few years ago, and fininsh it up.