Overlays on Neiman's Imagine Part 1

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The overlays are cut from separate pieces of 3/16 inch foamcore. The total mat width from frame to edge of paper is 6 inches. The art is mounted inside the center overlay.

1. Size 3 pieces of 3/16 inch foamcore exactly the same size and make a mark on the end so you will know how to line them up the same way later.

<center>Figure 1</center>

2. Make a pencil mark about 8 inches from the outside edge on two pieces of foamcore. This will be used to replace the cutouts the same way they came out. Set your mat cutter at 2 inches and cut one of the boards. Reset you mat cutter to 5 inches and cut the second board. Reset the mat cutter to 1 inch. Now turn the cutouts over and carefully cut the overlay out. Try not to over cut. You will need to undercut the corner and finish each corner with a hand held razor. Figure 1 shows from left to right the outside cutout, overlay, and center cutout with the pencil line.

Figure 1a

3. Cut a piece of glassine drymount tissue so it extends 2 inches over the edge of the overlay. Place the drymount over the overlay then place release paper over the tissue, using an iron on a low - medium setting, iron the tissue to the top of the overlay. Cut the center section of tissue out, leaving about 2 inches of tissue along the inside edges. In each of the inside corners, cut a slit from the top of the inside corner to the inside edge of the tissue as shown in figure 2. The tissue on the outside corner needs to be cut so no tissue extends over the outside corner when pressed down on the foamcore, as shown in figure 2. Now reheat the top edges and burnish the tissue to a sharp edge, see figure 2 again. <center>
</center><center>Figure 2</center>

<P ALIGN=RIGHT>Figure 3</p>
4. Turn the overlay over. Using a new sharp mat razor trim the drymount tissue. Place the blade flat on the foamcore; hold the tissue perpendicular and sliding the blade along the foamcore to trim, as show in figure 3.

<p align = right>Figure 4 </p>
5. Place the overlay right side up on the third piece of foamcore. Cover the overlay with a piece of fabric. The fabric needs to extend at least 1 inch over the outside edge of the overlay. Make sure you know how to line up the cutout with the overlay. Place the center overlay in first followed by the outside cutout, see figure 4.
You may need to place weights on top to hold the package together tightly lining up the outside edges carefully. Now tape around the outside edge to hold the outside cutout in place. This will also hold the Overlay in position. Figure 5 shows a nice close-up.

Figure 5</center>

6. Place the whole package into the heat press for 10 - 15 minutes at 195 - 200 degrees.

Figure 6

7. Remove from press. Remove the center cutout. Cut the tape pieces along the outside edge and remove the outside cutout. Carefully cut the center out leaving about 2 inches of fabric along the inside edges. Turn over and place two pieces of 969 ATG tape across the inside and outside of each corner as shown in figure 6.

<p align=right>Figure 7</p>
8. Turn the overlay over and burnish the edges in each corner, then cut the fabric as shown in figure 7.

9. Turn the overlay over. Cover the back with two strips of 1/2-inch 969 ATG on each side; don't remove the paper backing on the ATG yet. Burnish one edge of fabric perpendicular; remove the ATG paper by the edge you just burnished. Using your fingers roll the fabric onto the ATG. Make sure you don't use too much pressure and dent the edge. Trim the fabric in the center of the back. Continue wrapping and trimming until done. When done it should look like figure 8. <p align=right>Figure 8</p>


10. The inside fillet is attached normally. The outside fillet is reverse beveled then attached. I use 969 ATG on the fillets then run a bead of glue along the backside fillet edge to make sure they stay put.

<center>When done the corner should look like this

and one complete overlay would look like this.

11. Cut some wood standoff as shown in Figure 8.

Paint the standoff black and trim to fit inside the back of the overlay as shown in figure 9.

Figure 9

Glue the standoffs into the backside of the overlay. You should place weights on the standoffs until the glue sets as shown in figure 10.

12. Take a break you'll need it for part two.

Copyright 1999 by William McKay DBA The Picture Framers Grumble

[This message has been edited by framer (edited 02-14-99).]
wow, your attention to detail and instruction is some of the best ever. Have you ever published?