over-over-sized mounting problems


May 6, 2005
san francisco
a few years back my shop changed from a seal 40x60 vacume press to a 48x96 mounting press to accomodate large format pieces that we were doing for a local vintage poster gallery. I have had problems with my release paper creasing durring the drymounting process. The release paper I am using is a double sided silicone base paper and is creasing at heats over 170 degrees. I can get rid of the problem by switching to realease boards I make with single sided release paper but this gets costly.

Any ideas? Or can someone tell me why this is happening? And can someone get my wife to stop snoring so I can go to bed..its late
release board will more than pay for itself in the cost factor over release paper. My boards last 4-6 months if they are handled properly and cleaned with adhesive release (bestine, heptane, etc,)
I actually use the 2-sided release paper with the release board over it.

It's too early in the day to remember WHY I do that, but I've tried all sorts of combinations in my 40x60 press and that one works best for me.
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
I actually use the 2-sided release paper with the release board over it.

It's too early in the day to remember WHY I do that, but I've tried all sorts of combinations in my 40x60 press and that one works best for me.
That's how I was taught when I bought the machine (40x60 Seal) by Chris P. who was doing a seminar on dry mounting at a distributor in Clearwater.
Not I'm showered, refreshed and more-or-less awake.

I put the release paper over the mounting package because it's easier to peel it off when I have mounting tissue extending beyond the print, or when I use the fomeboard with mounting tissue pre-attached (which is what I normally use.) When the release paper gets wrinkled or otherwise questionable, I demote it to a position under the mounting board and cut off a fresh piece for the top.

I use the release board on top of that because I am less-than-deliberate about keeping my platen clean and it buffers the print from the little craters I'd get otherwise.

And if Chris P. says that's the way to do it, that's good-enough for me.
Stick with the release boards even if they cost a bit more to produce. I never enjoyed mounting with the thin release sheets for the same reason as you're experiencing.
As for your wifes snoring, try breathrites, earplugs, or just sleep on the couch. Sweet dreams.....
Or see if you have health insurance coverage for a sleep study and possibly a CPAP machine.

Both will probably require a prior authorization.
Give you wife's pillow a very GENTLE tug. That should have the effect of making her move a little and stop snoring, but not really wake up. If you pull too hard, you'll get a really dirty look.
I find a healthy portion glass of wine does the trick for me.

Well it sounds like no one has a better option than what I'm alredy doing.

Check in to the CPAP machine . . .since getting mine (3 years ago), my wife sleeps a lot better, and I do too.
Benydryl. One or two at night, taken with a double shot of MacCallan...

Check with alergist about nocturnal post nasal drip.