Art Creations
I recieved a call the other day from a customer who has a very old oval frame, and the convex glass has broken. I have not seen the frame or picture yet, but my customer has explained that the picture has the same convex shape as the glass. It is a picture of one of his ancestors, so I am assuming that the photo over time is taking on the shape of the glass. The question I have is, has anyone ever had this issue before? Can the picture be reflattened if he chooses not to put it back into an oval frame? Even if it goes back in the original frame and I put a new piece of convex glass in, is there any way to keep the photo from touching the glass?
So many questions, and I haven't even seen the artwork yet.
Any suggestions for my future headache?!?
So many questions, and I haven't even seen the artwork yet.
Any suggestions for my future headache?!?