Oval frame, with convex glass & photo...

Art Creations

Apr 24, 2006
I recieved a call the other day from a customer who has a very old oval frame, and the convex glass has broken. I have not seen the frame or picture yet, but my customer has explained that the picture has the same convex shape as the glass. It is a picture of one of his ancestors, so I am assuming that the photo over time is taking on the shape of the glass. The question I have is, has anyone ever had this issue before? Can the picture be reflattened if he chooses not to put it back into an oval frame? Even if it goes back in the original frame and I put a new piece of convex glass in, is there any way to keep the photo from touching the glass?
So many questions, and I haven't even seen the artwork yet.
Any suggestions for my future headache?!?

Hi Kelli
You can order replacement convex glass from here www.inlineovals.com . Some of the very old photos are made convex. The ones I have had come in with the convex glass the photo isn't as high as the glass, so it doesn't touch.
Hope this helps.
I don't believe there's any way to flatten the photo. I've handled lots of them and they're almost always brittle! In Line Ovals has the glass. I personally would restore it to its original condition except for replacing the backing which is probably pasteboard.

<font size=1>I know, I know! No spacer? Bad, bad framer!</font size>
Geez, don't try to flatten that sucker! They were made convex on purpose and are usually pretty brittle.

Sorry to be redundant, but this is important.
Thank you all. I was unaware that they use to make the photos convex as well. If the image were in front of me, I'm sure I could tell, but without having the image in front of me, I was just guessing!
I will DEFINETLY NOT try to flatten it!
And thanks for letting me know about Inline Ovals, I will be giving them a call! :D
Or Presto Frame and Moulding
I get my standard-size oval convex glass from them, decent prices and good service