I use Outlook Express to manage two Hotmail accounts and three regular email accounts. roneggers@hotmail.com is my default email account.
When I open Outlook Express, it downloads the messages to my default inbox, but it downloads two copies of everything new. (Messages from addresses not in my address book go to the bulk mailbox where I can open them or delete them depending on the source.)
Normally, this is not a big deal. When I go to another folder and return to the default inbox, the duplicates disappear. The problems arises when somebody sends me a huge attachment. (When you use dial-up, a "huge attachment" is anything over about 100k.) I get two of those, as well.
Anybody else ever encounter this?
When I open Outlook Express, it downloads the messages to my default inbox, but it downloads two copies of everything new. (Messages from addresses not in my address book go to the bulk mailbox where I can open them or delete them depending on the source.)
Normally, this is not a big deal. When I go to another folder and return to the default inbox, the duplicates disappear. The problems arises when somebody sends me a huge attachment. (When you use dial-up, a "huge attachment" is anything over about 100k.) I get two of those, as well.
Anybody else ever encounter this?