Our Integrated Framer


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 10, 1999
Howards retired
I can't BEGIN to tell you guys how delighted we are with our IF (although I would have preferred a much catchier name... just me, though) The customers are BLOWN AWAY, we are selling the wider mats, the better frames and in less time. That's $$$, plain and simple. Tried to use it on a RM frame though, with less than spectaular results, and decided that if they are going to 'cheap out' then they don't get to see the Big Girl Toy. As to the two-monitor thing, we have ordered a y-splitter, and will just turn the customer monitor on so they can watch the fascinating selection and design part of the hocus-pocus. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! (now, how can we promote it???)
Be careful of the Y splitters. They will usually work ok, but at the expense of cutting the brightness down 50% on each monitor. A year ago, we originally went with a splitter and then switched our (Picture it First, but same idea) setup over with a 2 monitor/2 card configuration.

If the splitter is powered to amplify the signal, then it wont be an issue.

I just fell off my chair, banged my head, spilled coffee all over the carpet and chocked on my danish....you're using IF with Ready Mades?????

Ellen, you're gutsy, creative and....I hope the RM are yours at least!!
Ellen, here is another Idea that just fell in our lap and only is going to cost $25.00. Our local elementary school is having its Spring Carnival on May 12th with about 500 famlies. They want a $25.00 donation and in exchange they will blow up my letter size flyer to poster size and place in front of one of the rides as the sponsor. I can also place business cards of other handouts. How can I loose, I would donate the $25.00 anyhow!

Originally posted by EllenAtHowards:
(although I would have preferred a much catchier name... just me, though)
That was our problem in trying to promote it to the retail customer. Intergrated Framer says NOTHING to the retail customer. Picture It First is a much better name, but IF is a much better program. We thus are Calling it simply the Wizard. Notice on our "It's Magic" postcard we invite them to come in and see the Wizard our framing visualization program. Maybe the folks at Wizard will reconsider and come up with a better name and logo for the program. I was invisioning a wizard character kind of like Mickey or Merlin.
Ok guys, I am busting at the seams, our Ingrated Framer has already upsold 8 orders, saved 4 orders (cut out the indecison), used it with ready mades and overwhelming convinced a customer to NOT use her own frame. And this is in one week!

We take pictures of previously framed art, right throught the glass, and pictures of art right through the shrink wrap.

The screen saver is going like crazy and whenever we come up with something new I get to call Whiz Steve and improve something else.

This idea/concept is fabulous. I am thinking of ordering the banner for the outside of the building. As soon as the public learns how fun this is, we should be so busy we won't have time to sleep.

I am entirely jealous!
the only thing is that I keep fighting myself on is, does this take away some of the trust a customer has in you to pick the right colors (without having the luxery to see it on screen)?
you know what i mean?

i need someone to tell me it's ok to let a "computer" show the customer how thier framing is going to look.
but again, totally jealous! I want one, but keep fighting myself on it.

but, by how you are sooo excited with it, makes me say screw it, and just get it!
Originally posted by happy lost her password:

i need someone to tell me it's ok to let a "computer" show the customer how thier framing is going to look. but again, totally jealous! I want one, but keep fighting myself on it.
It is OK!!

There, I said it.
Not only is it OK, it is the best thing since sliced bread. You will regain any trust you think you lose once you use it to show a customer how wrong their design is and how right yours is.
Originally posted by happy lost her password:
I am entirely jealous!
the only thing is that I keep fighting myself on is, does this take away some of the trust a customer has in you to pick the right colors
Some may do it differently but I feel you should still do your preselections the old way. You pick the mat combinations and moulding samples on the design counter. When you have the selections down to a few either / or then it is time to show them the finished frame on the monitor. Now they really get the idea that what you showed them on the counter is translated to the screen. Now you can show them the difference between a 2" and 4" mat w/ v-groove and stepped corners on and on. I try not to select my mat colors by clicking on a portion of the print, I think they need to see the mats laying there with the artwork and frame and in order.
Everyone we show it to is certainly impressed with it.
You're all making me salivate and wish we hadn't budgeted for 4th quarter!

Lynn - which camera are you using????

jpaul - could you share with us your "Press Release" whenever you get it done?? P.S. - which camera are you using??

"Anybody" - any camera we should avoid??
Two Thumbs, we are using the Canon S2. I purchased it online from Costco, free shipping and only about $30 higher than ones posted here. Plus I could return it to Costco if it was not correct. Mounted it in the ceiling, used two 8' cables connected for the length through the ceiling that I needed, since have purchased a single 16 ft cable and have a dedicated computer and screen just for this.

I think a few really need to see this work to appreciate it. First, we don't just start with Integrated Framer, when we design, we use the same everyday skills that all framers have, and when things are going extremly well, we don't even mention the "camera in the ceiling". If a person balks, we have already selected mats and frames, but are undecisive as to which one, then that is when the Integratd Framer goes to work. It will also help that person who uses their hand like a telescope to see the "finished" product.

I did not jump at being one of the first five in the nation for a computerized mat cutter. I, in my infinate wisdom, said how could a machine cut a mat and I am not replacing a human being with a machine...REALLY BIG HUGE MISTAKE!. Second, and I give the big grrrrrrrrrrrr on this, I am still trying to get POS to run my shop. So when the third "change the industry" idea came along I said this time I would jump on it no matter what. I did, and I don't regret it one bit!

I really think these things are going to be popping up all over so visit another shop as a friend or a customer and watch it close the sale for shop.

Good luck,
The ability to 'cut to the chase' ending the back-and-forth debate of which frame, which frame, which frame is FANTASTIC! My only fear is every shop will soon have it and my edge will be gone once more... wonder what whiz-bang cool thing is being worked on this month? I can't think of anything more we need now that we have the Wizard, Lifesaver and IF (which I think we should call the Design Magician)
Originally posted by EllenAtHowards:
My only fear is every shop will soon have it and my edge will be gone once more...
Ellen, that is why we decided to be the first in our area to aquire it. As a relatively new framer, we boast the idea that we are up on the latest technology and ideas. If the word of mouth gets around for those that have it first and we gain new customers, we're (as in all here) are always saying how we can make them a customer for life. While that may not be 100% true, we do have a really good chance to keep them if we are doing other things right. I do think many shops will get them, but certainly not the majority of Mom and Pop independants as seen by number still not using even POS let alone CMC's. As another thread has observed, most Grumblers are ahead of the pack because of our shared experiences.