other forum


True Grumbler
Nov 19, 2005
northern california
As I was searching around for picture framing subjects, I found a forum in the UK. But I've lost it and can't find it again.. also had trouble registering there! Anyone help? Love this interesting forum! Wish I had time to cover larger areas of it.. ='.'=
If I am not mistaken that forum took masive inspiration from The Grumbler which is good for them. That makes it a well articulated and potentially powerful forum. As for now it looks rather provincial with its handfull of sober, "five a clock tea" Frames speaking gentlemen who socialize within an American size, fully furnished but still empty forum. I guess TG wasn't looking much better than that in its incipient stages, but then again I might be just politically correct now

Had problems registering there?
1. you must have left your application on a vacant desk
2. tried with UE instead of USA for your location?
3. next time mention that you voted Kerry

(just kidding, how could you say one like that?
) or
4. tell'em that you are an American compasionate conservative. That is you have it all, but feel sorry for the have-nots

By the way, their Dermot and ours is just one of those rare name coincidences that makes for sweet confusions, easy dialog between complete strangers, and life worth living, I believe ;)

[ 11-21-2005, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: Whynot ]
Whynot, provincial it may seem, but I enjoy that cozy quality, particularly so as a newb to these forums. Also I found some fabulous links there which I my post here after exploring around a bit more. (and figuring out HOW!) ='.'= Thanks.