Opinions - Do Grumblers Run Ahead of the Pack

j Paul

PFG, Picture Framing God
Feb 23, 2004
Just wondering, Quite a few Grumblers have embraced technology. Seems most have POS / CMC's / and quite a few are getting Intergrated Framer or Picture it First. Just talked to my former LJ rep who has moved to Atlanta and she says only two framers in her area of NW Ga, and E Tenn. have either IF or PIF.

So here is the question. By sharing here on the Grumble do you think that we are more or less likely to embrace new technology because of the sharing of experience than the lone framer who does not have such a support group?
I definately feel I am ahead of the game here. I have learned so much from the Grumble over the past year, even though I have owned a frame shop for nearly eight years, sometimes I still feel like a newby.

In the past twelve months we have added a POS system (FrameReady) and a CMC (Wizard). I LOVE :D them both and this summer we are going to add IF to the mix. (I can't wait :cool: )

We are having fun keeping up with technology and our customers seem to appreciate the changes we've made.

I don't think I would have been this aggressive with taking advantage of the technology available to framers without all you guys.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.
I think Grumblers, like framers in general, run the whole gamut of competencies, experience and knowledge.

Still, any framer who networks with other framers, whether through TG, PPFA local chapters, trade shows or whatever, is bound to be more aware of what's out there. Reading the trade magazines is great. but there is no substitute for talking with other framers - even if it's on line and we're talking about dog farts.

Whether they put that exposure to good use is purely a matter of individual makeup. (No I'm not talking about exposure to dog farts.)
Originally posted by j Paul:
By sharing here on the Grumble do you think that we are more or less likely to embrace new technology because of the sharing of experience than the lone framer who does not have such a support group?
My answer would be most defiantly yes.
IMHO I think most Grumblers are on the leading edge. They are often the first to hear of something new and the first to embrace it.
Hey MaryAnn-Just the fact that these participants take the time to participate is proof enough

The Luddites are not as plentiful as they were just 5 yrs ago

Attrition, I suppose
Whether we embrace the newer high tech approaches like CMCs or IF, the fact that were are all online sharing experiences and techniques, I think, makes us a bit more progressive than those who sit in their shops insulated from the world around them.

Even though I tried to read all the journals (Decor, PFM, etc.), before I discovered The Grumble, I felt a bit isolated and a little out of the mainstream. While I don’t have (or plan to get) a POS, at least I know that something like that is available – thanks to the Grumble.
It definitely accelerates the decision making process.

Without the exposure to a wealth of info ranging from new vis. software to POS and CMC, many would be reluctant or even unaware of all the possibilities to improve.
Chicken or egg, huh?

I found The Grumble because I bought the wrong CMC and John Ranes thought I might like to network with others that bought the wrong CMC.

(At that's when Eggers first met Framechick.)