Open letter to William Parker and Jim Miller

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CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jul 4, 2002
Dear William and Jim,

More than three years have passed since The Grumble discussion on the topic: Why do we still use wire to hang frames? and the ensuing correspondence with both of you concerning that subject in general and the security installations in particular. Your detailed description of problems associated with security installations - as well as various methods and “tricks’ you and other framers have worked out to overcome them - have helped me analyze the challenges and to develop initial steps toward the solution.

Let me quote from one of the William’s emails to me: “I encourage you to find the answer and share it with those of us who have given up on improving this (security installations) system.”

Over the years, that encouragement has been instrumental in helping me overcome the numerous technical, bureaucratic, and financial obstacles that one always experiences when traveling uncharted roads.

Now I am pleased to report to you and to other Grumblers that I have been granted a patent on a new system of products for trouble free mounting of wall décor. This system is applicable to standard two point installations as well as security installations. The product has been successfully tested in the field for more than a year by local framers and professional installers for both small residential and large commercial installations.

In appreciation of your help and encouragement, I would like to present you with AccuHangä evaluation kits. The package consists of tools and hardware for both types of installations.

Please visit...(The name of the company and the booth # at the Decor Show have been deleted from the post by the Board Moderator :confused: )

Naturally, all Grumblers who are interested in the subject matter are cordially invited.

Sincerely yours,

Boris A. Muchnik, aka Bork
No, it wasnt deleted. It was moved in its entirety to the commercial posts forum, where it belongs

here is a direct link:;f=9;t=000832;p=1#000001

Best regards,
co moderator

Only the person who is out of his mind could move that letter of appreciation to the commercial posts forum!!! :eek:

Mike was right.

You could have emailed your letter, but posting it in the Grumble looks like a commercial.

Mike your mind is fine where it is.
Bork ; In my encounters with Mike I have found hom to be along way from displaying any thing that would pertray him as being "OUT OF HIS MIND". I think you owe him an apology.

My reasoning is that if you truly wanted to post aletter of Thanks ,the booth number you held at any show wouldn't be at all necessary for Jim and or william to acknoledge your apprecaition. However if you wished to have others come by and thank you for posting on TFG this wouls be very instrumantal in locateing you and as such Mike placed it very appropiately and everyone will still find it.
Charles BUDDY Drago
Originally posted by Bork:

Only the person who is out of his mind could move that letter of appreciation to the commercial posts forum!!! :eek:

I may be out of my mind, but the letter didn't read as a letter of qpprectaion, it seemed like an invite to see your booth at a trade show. (AD?)

Whether ad or not, thanks for posting and I do hope you get interest in your unnamed hanging alternative. Going to the drytac website I assume it is either removable ATG for the back of the frame or a professional strength "tacky goo" (the blue stuck all college dorms inist you use to hang your posters!)
Boris, it makes no difference to the rest of us. We are all so addicted to The Grumble, that we will read any new post no matter where it is placed. In fact, new posts on the Commercial forum stand out more so than on the main forum anyway. It just helps bring some order to the archives. If we are looking for the introduction of a new product, a likely place to find it will be in the Commercial Section.

Now, when we all buy the new product and give it a whirl, you can bet our in-depth analytical discussions WILL be on the main Grumble forum.

edie the benice goddess we get pix of the things/web site reference????
and, perhaps, a brief explain, for those of us engineringly challenged?????????
What you should have done was waited until someone said 'Hey I hear such and such a company is showing this great new wall mounting product'

If no-one does so in the week preceding your show, ask a friend to, then you come in and say 'Hey, sounds like my product and this is what it does'

You don't have to look too far to see what I mean!

That's if you want it on the main forum instead of where it should be.
Yes, I will confirm that Mike is officially out of his mind.

I've been to his web site. I've seen the things that he has looked at and reviewed. I have read the postings from blathering framers which he has had the taste in not responding to....

Yes, he is out of his mind. . . and I, for one, want him to stay just the way he loveabley is. Doing all that whacko nerdy computer stuff and telling me what to do or not do.

May the Force be with him always.
If you pick a fight with Mike, you will be picking fights with lots of people. Mike is the best, period.
Originally posted by Paul N:
We're all wearing "I Like Mike" buttons...
Not me ...I have it tattooed on my a** ;)
Hey Bork,

I guess your booth is going to get a lot of visits from Grumblers now! I would suggest a bowl of Mike and Ike candy to give away and maybe an I Like Mike button for you and your reps, as well as a framed flack jacket hung using your new attaching system! You could show us how well it takes the heat.

Hannah might be able to whip up (no pun ;) ) some on her cafepress website.

Also start posting again in a friendly, self deprecating way using alot of emoticons! If we like you we're great, but cross us and--- check out the TK threads! We can be a little EMOTIONAL)
John when you said >>>>>

You don't have to look too far to see what I mean!

That's if you want it on the main forum instead of where it should be.

Did you really mean to imply that there is a proper place to post solicitational information about things like tradeshow booths?

And has there really been anyone else that would slip in a refernce to their booth number in defferance to that proceedure? Surely you jest?
Not any True TFG member .But then we do like to share all sorts of information don't we?LOL
Oh heck lets just come on out with it and quit beating around the bush.

Robot is just bitter (again) because he wanted to completely thrash AttachEz, a product he admittedly has never used. He feels like he is some sort of elitist framer because he ONLY uses needle and thread.

I think Pat mentioned a booth number in that thread and that has obviously chapped Robots rectum. I’m sure there is some nice salve that would take care of that. He is incorrectly (again) suggesting that Ahoen is somehow in cahoots with Pat.

Now he feels like moving this thread was in error. Rather than just say that he has chosen to create turmoil (again) where it’s absolutely not necessary.

Does that pretty well cover it? I just want to stick to the facts.
Where else if not on The Grumble could one of the members of that Board place an OPEN LETTER to other members? In The Washington Post?

Also, I wanted you, the Grumblers, to be the first who learn about new, patented product line from your community Board, not from the forthcoming articles and advertisements in trade publications.

I worked hard for the last few years and, naturally, I was glad to show you the results of my labor and to share my joy with the community I am a member of. Those who went through the patenting process, and then managed to manufacture a real product could understand my feelings.

Some of you including Moderator understood that posting as a commercial one. It is not so. I don't have much of a commercial interest in the individual framers.

I am asking Moderator, who without my authorization transfer the post to another forum, to delete my post from the commercial forum. And, if he still considers my post as a commercial one, to delete it from this forum, also.

Boris A. Muchnik, aka Bork
So what's wrong with the commercial post forum. It's free and you can create a page with HTML. Don't forget you can use photo's also.


Bork, Chill...
Jay have you ever heard that old saying about makeing assumptions? before I go makeing any as I feel you are let me give you what I feel are some of the errors you made in your last reply.

First the gentleman's name I think you are refering to is John not Robert but he does use the sign on nsme of RoboFramer.
Next while he doesn't seem to like the AEZ and prefers to stitch things when mounting I think calling his disagreement "Trashing the AEZ' is streching things a bit too far.But even more incorrect is the statemnet that he feels that his useing a needle and thread make him an "ELITEST" .Shouldn't that have been " aperson useing a differnt method he wishes to share?"which is NO DIFFERNT than anyother opinion on any other topic discussed on this or any other forum,even some of your own. Is it trashing when you don't agree with something and you express your opinion?

Next It was I who made the vailed insinuations that someone else was doing exactly what Bork had tried to include in his "Open letter of thanks" when as Mike suggested a better place for those sort of post.However my comment was ment to say he nor Pat is alone in this attempt.
And I was trying to make fun of the effort.

And finally try as I may I can't find any basis for your comment that "ROBERT thinks AJ is in cahoots with Pat".Could it be that this is what you derived from the fact that AJ 's post was an endorsement?

Furthermore I didn't get the impression he nor I felt that moveing the thread was in error ,but the sarcatic remark pointed out that while others are doing the same it shouldn't be allowed.
And I have a real problem finding FACTS of any kind in your comment to stick to.
Please be so kind as to share with me where I am makeing any mistakes.
Charles BUDDY Drago
I am asking Moderator, who without my authorization transfer the post to another forum, to delete my post from the commercial forum. And, if he still considers my post as a commercial one, to delete it from this forum, also.
There are a couple of misconceptions here that need addressing.

A moderator doesn't need anyone's permission to move a post to a more appropriate forum. That would sort of defeat the purpose of moderators.

Moving a commercial post to the classifieds forum is not a kiss of death. (It's not like storing something in my attic, for example.) In fact, there's somebody on that forum right now looking for a link to Bork's website.

And, finally, nobody is going to delete the thread from the commercial forum for two reasons: People might be interested in reading it. And the classifieds forum doesn't have a moderator (other than framer, the administrator.)
Is this a slow month for y'all? That you have to argue along an entire thread as to whre to put a post. And I thought silliness only reigned on my TK thrad I started.

O well. Rant on folks
Jo which Mike or did you mean both? One for president and the other for his assitant.(I was going to say for Vice President but then that sounded completely the opposite of my intentions.)LOL
This has gotten plain stupid. And I am now feeling stupid for having read this. And even more stupid for acknowledging having read this.

There is a fine line between commercial and factual postings and its route and width is entirely up to the moderator. To me any self serving address or link has a commercial ring attached to it, including those website addresses many of us choose to display at the bottom of our postings. As RoboFrame said, there are ways to convey the same (commercial) message while apparently keeping a humble face: friends, fictitious members conveniently asking in the open of one's product etc. It's more about style than anything else.
But even then, what's wrong with this:
"Hi Jim, hello Bill,
Many thanks for this or that. It came out to be a wonderful solution which every framer may profit of for generations to come. I owe you a beer each. All details are going to be posted in our commercial forum including an hourly updated wish to buy list. Molto grazzie a tutti."
Nothing wrong with it, right? Except for when, a few months or years from now, someone will be cross referring the subject from one forum to another.

[ 03-02-2006, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: Whynot ]
Baer is a trollup (captain English is dat right?)!


but pleasant to look at if you know what i mean...

Is taht "commercialism" a science, a new religion or a form of society? ;)


You may be a good inventor, but your commercial skills need improving or, if too subtle for us, dulling. I came to believe that, indeed, you were not trying to do much of a commercial with your open letter to Jim and William (if any at all). You ignored JFeig's kind question and forgot to slip a web addres under your signature (which would have been more useful for commercial purpose than having us know your full name).
On a different turn now, contrary to what Ron said, it seems to me that having one's thread be moved to the commercial forum IS the kiss of death. Nothing much is going on there.
I think my screen name needs clearing up.

Thanks for your support Charles; Jay was calling me 'Robot' - not 'Robert' Maybe he thinks I won't like that, but it is absolutely fine, he can call me 'Big Nose' if he wants!

Years ago I worked as a packer in Anita Roddick's (The Body Shop) warehouse. Everything was computerised, they had an average picking rate of 167 units an hour and an average error rate of something like 0.02%. If you regularly fell below the former and/or above the latter, words would be had.

Give me a target and I've got to half it, my average pick rate was pushing 400 units per hour with an error rate of something daft like 0.001%

I was resented by the majority of the slackers who worked there, who made sure they did what they had to and NO MORE. "You won't get paid any more" they'd say. They christened me 'RoboPacker' - as in RoboCop - I wasn't supposed to like that, but I thought it was great, I fastened a toy Robot with flashing lights to my picking truck; made myself a registration plate 'ROBO 1'

But I did get paid more - always the first to be offerred overtime and shift work which carried a 25% premium, I gained rapid promotion too and helped push general productivity up.

I'm the same in my workshop, I once read in a trade mag that it should take the average framer, with professional equipment, 20 mins to frame a print with a single mount. I'll do it in about 6!

Even with most painstaking jobs, the least I will accept is deftness.

I tell my staff that if they want to do things their own way, then if it's faster and just as good, or better and just as fast, I'm all ears.

I don't think the equipment Jay accuses me of thrashing (untrue, as you say Charles) falls into either category, not for me anyway.

Dunno what this has to do with anything, but what the hec!
Jay accept my apologies for that error. And John thanks for the correction. I obviously read as poorly as I write.Maybe we should use your REAL name ( John Turner) unless you wish otherwise? Or DO YOU wish to be called ROBOT? But I trust the rest made sense? I hope at least.
PS maybe as the old saying goes we can "Call you anything but late to eat"LOL
Well BeerHere, I was getting over it, but I don't know how my last post made you feel I wasn't, it all ended amicably with Pat K. What's an ork?

I was totally over the AEZ thing, this is what I wasn't quite over

Originally posted by Jay H:

Robot is just bitter (again) because he wanted to completely thrash AttachEz, a product he admittedly has never used. He feels like he is some sort of elitist framer because he ONLY uses needle and thread.

I think Pat mentioned a booth number in that thread and that has obviously chapped Robots rectum. I’m sure there is some nice salve that would take care of that. ..........

Now he feels like moving this thread was in error. Rather than just say that he has chosen to create turmoil (again) where it’s absolutely not necessary.

Does that pretty well cover it? I just want to stick to the facts.
Facts my arse!

I work on the principle that it takes a better man...... But now I feel it's just rude not to retaliate. Jay, I am taking your bait - hope your line has a strong breaking strain!

OK let's say, for argument's sake that I thrashed it. It's an IT - I'm a person and you are thrashing ME. I had no first hand experience of that particular device and put my hands up to it, I agreed with you but still you have to bring it up - and exaggerate.

You have no idea of what I am really like, we have never met and you are doing to me what you accuse me of doing to the AEZ but even moreso, that makes you a hypocrit. There's not a bitter bone in my body.

How do you know what I 'feel' like? Elitist - on this forum? You're having a laugh!

Create turmoil? Cobblers! This might though, and even if it gets moderated I'll sleep better for pressing the 'Add Reply' box.

No booth number chapped my rectum; your post did though and if I have any salve left over you can spread it on your gob, because the same stuff comes out of it as my rectum.

You're not the only smartarse on TG

Have the last word, or be the better man, I'll sleep better tonight for hitting the 'Add Reply' box.

Thanks for awakening the Ork in me BeerHere, whatever an Ork is.

NOW I'm 'over it'
Glad I could raise the "ork" in you John but it was prescribed for Bork,the complaining about being moved to a commercial post was very grade school-like.


Ah well, got it off my chest anyway. I Googled 'Ork' and it, or 'Orc' is from the Lord of the rings, one of those nasty mutant things, pretty good likeness to how I felt!
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