Open letter to the Moderators

Bill Henry-

Brussel Sprout Connoisseur
Aug 17, 2002
Boondock Bowerbank, ME
Retired from the grind
I would like to make a suggestion.

Could we open a <u>Rant Room</u> Forum? Other bulletin board type systems have one.

There are some subjects that almost automatically trigger hostile responses like politics, religion, (in)tolerance, and Tommy Kincaide. I would like to propose a separate forum divorced (if that word, in itself, is not too controversial) from Warped which would allow Grumblers to vent their spleen.

Also, it could be an area to which heated, non framing posts could be moved by the moderators when things get a little out of control. It could be an “enter at your own risk” area. This way youse guys wouldn’t get lambasted for shutting down threads that some people consider tasteless.
I'm not a moderator, but wouldn't that just open the door for hard feelings and the like to spill over into other parts of the forum? Why take the chance of stirring up a bunch of trouble for no reason? The forums that exist represent picture framers, not controversy. Seems like we have plenty of that at times without opening up another can of worms. Just my 2 cents.

Unfortunately, Rock, I believe that there are already hard feelings.

I’m suggesting that, since the moderators walk a fine line between letting these posts go on only to become more heated or shutting them down only to incur the wrath of some “let it all hang out” folks, that there be a repository for vitriolic threads.

I admit that the Grumble has nowhere near the unpleasantness of some other forums, but I’m uncomfortable when I look in a movie thread only to find out that some people won’t travel to Alaska because of some beliefs of others here.

We can’t and shouldn’t stop people from expressing unpopular beliefs, but I would like to see them isolated into their own area.
We're big boys and girls. We are big enough to not read the topics that obviously anger us and big enough to leave the ones that don't meet our approval.

This is one of those threads I should just leave because I'm tired of even reading this suggestion that seems to be posted weekly.

Thats why I just won't read it again. Isn't that better than just sending your rant to the "rant room" just becuase I'm tired of reading it? I think it is.
yeah, I agree with Jay. We are all big boys and girls. Sometimes things get out of hand and they have to be moderated. It is easy to figure out the ones you don't want to read. The thread you are talking about started out harmlessly enough, somebody said something that shocked quite a few Grumblers and a thrashing ensued. It is no different than in a real conversation. We could have all been discussing these movies in person and somebody could have brought up their inflammatory opinion and a huge debate would have ensued. I'm actually glad so many people spoke up.

I don't get the point of a rant room. Who wants to hang around a gloves off kind of place? We can have civil discussions about just about anything. Most threads that get out of control don't start out to be rants. I know some people deliberately try to set off little fires but for the most part the rants occur in the middle of a discussion, so unless somebody want's to start a rant thread what would be the point of the room?
My take: (I am speaking for myself, not Bill, or the other moderators)

I think Jay and Kathy are right.

The hateful message in question generated about 15-20 emails to me privately, and i'm not even a moderator in that forum. It also consumed the chat system for a day. The responsibility and burden would be great for a volunteer who ran such a forum. I wouldn't want to be the moderator of THAT room.

We're here to share picture framing trade information, and I think that should be the primary focus of the forums. Imagine a new user's impression if they visited and saw posts that look more like a KKK or Al Qaeda forum than one for the trade. I think it would stifle participation, spill into the other forums, and take away from our purpose.

Sure, once in a while things may stray in a bad direction. In this case, I think it policed itself. I'm honored to be part of such a caring and concerned group of people.

However, there is a place for everything. There are other forums out there to debate religions, superstitions, UFOs, politics, science, or anything else you could possibly imagine.

If those forums start adding sections for picture framing, maybe i'll feel differently. Until then, that's my personal opinion.

This suggests unmoderated. If you've ever been on USENET, you know how good groups can get ruined by "trolls" who have nothing better to do. One of my favorite USENET groups to visit is and it is periodically under attack. Most people ignore it, but some good members have left.
There will always be those that will even get moderated out of a rant room - and feel good about it.

A sin bin may be better - a "Go and stand in the corner" forum, access by daily changing password for naughty boys and girls to communicate with other naughty boys ..................... and girls.... and girls and girls ..... GIRLS -----NAUGHTY ONES ....

LET ME IN!!!!!!
Okie dokie, the Tribe has spoken! I’ve been voted off the island.

<font size=-30>Dang, and me without an immunity idol.</font>
Takes 2 to tangle