

True Grumbler
Apr 5, 2005
Northern Baltimore County - horse country
I frequently read 'old' posts on this here Grumble - came across a lively one. The middle of the multipage thread launched into how much the question of pricing is disliked (a relatively mild term). SO, please accept my sincere apology for my most recent post about pricing strategy. It was not my intent to insult or annoy. And, thank you to those who lent their advice on the board and to my personal email box. All of it has been taken with respect for your expertise.

And, now that I think about it, I am sorta glad I did not read above noted 'lively thread' yesterday.... because, I may not have posted my 'stupid question for the day'... and would not have learned as much as I did. SO, thanks!!
You never know what you might learn, when you read the archives.

We must ALL remember that the only stupid question is the one not asked. (Especially when we respond to questions that have been asked many times in the past.)

Jody, if you have not offended anyone here on the 'G, then you have not asked the right question. I think we have all offended someone. Most when we don't mean to. (Even Gentleman Jim Miller has offended someone. Though I don't remember who it was.)

Welcome to the Grumble.

Oh, by the way... where in Maryland are you?
eh... don't worry about it. Most folks just forget "from whence they came..."

We weren't born framers, ya know. Shoot, there are very few of us that haven't been anything but framers, now that I think about it! Most came to this as a second or third career and forget what a "green" kid feels and says during their first real job.

Not that you're a "green" kid...

but then, maybe we all are when we start something new.

They talk about doctors and attorneys being in "practice". Maybe we should refer to ourselves as setting up our "practice" in framing. Everyday we learn something new and any framer who thinks they know it all should definately think of retiring from practice as our industry is always evolving with new knowledge and techniques.

Dave Makielski
You should not apologize. Pricing questions, I have found (because I am also a green kid) seem to drive people around here nuts. Mainly because there is no cut & dried answer. I have asked them and I have also learned lots from the responses. Especially Bob Carter, who I had to learn was not being a condescending smarty pants, but instead a make-no-bones-about-it guy who knows more about business matters than I thought was possible for one person. I have offended lots probably, but like Susan said, if you don't sooner of later offend someone, you aren't asking the right questions! ;)


P.S. Welcome to the Grumble....and happy learning!