OOps - now what?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Dec 14, 2004
Big Rapids, Michigan
Oops it happened, the counted cross stitch marking her daughters marriage is damaged - abit slightly but still it has a light mark -any suggestions as to how to explain to the customer. Tried to remove the accidental mark but no avail and the buck stops here - I did it -now I have to face the customer - This is my first accident and I am looking for suggestions re customer relations.
Thank goodness this doesn't happen often. It's hard to say without seeing it, but if it is indeed noticeable, I'd apologize profusely and then tell her that naturally, this one is on the house. Have you called her yet? I don't like to have customers walk in and surprise them at the point of pick up with a damage. Call, explain what happened, what you intend to do to make up for it, and then when she comes in, it won't be such a shock. Good Luck.
barbs right .But for us to help resolve the issue we really need to know what kind of Mark and where it is on the wotk.Some "Marks" can be removed by a professional cleaner or textile consrvator.But beore you do anything admitt the truth.
Barring either of those.if you have enough time, you could pffer to have it restitched by a compotent needleartist.
PS OOPS I didn't read your second post before i repliedto the first.
PSS; It is sometimes easier to remove Ballpoint INK then Graphite from a pencil.