This may not be the place to post this, but we just added a nifty little feature to our computers. It's the Internet Answering Machine. You download the freebie software after activating Busy Call Forwarding from your local phone company. A little dialog box appears on your screen when you're online and it lets callers get a message that you're online and asks them to leave a message. (You can hear the person speaking over your own computers' speakers after they've left the message.) It's .75 a month on your phone bill with a onetime $6.00 setup charge from the local system. Pretty slick little guy when you don't want to give the Bells twenty or so more dollars a month. The site is (Why didn't that come up as a direct link?) Sorry. Seems to do it after submission.
[This message has been edited by MerpsMom (edited 01-31-2000).]
[This message has been edited by MerpsMom (edited 01-31-2000).]